Thursday, December 21, 2006

Addison's Disease

My mother has addision's disease for many years. She has chosen to go the alternative route to treat the disease. She has been taking the OPC-3 for a month or so now and seems to be feeling a bit better but not tons. I'm mostly writing because we have suggestions other than Market America products that could possibly aid this person with addisions. Would you please pass along my e-mail address and this letter to the person who sent this? It may help out.
As far as my own personal testimony - I have two.
The first is that I myself have an adrenal gland weakness - not addision's disease but in the same ball park. With this comes fatigue - for me it occurs mostly in the afternoon. I have taken many products to help with this but when I became a MA unfranchise owner, I began to take the OPC-3 and the Multitech on a daily basis.
What I noticed within a week was that I had more energy. I didn't slump so much in the afternoon which is a big deal to me (a mother of five). I have added the Aloe and simple greens also.
The second is that our family had a bout with the stomach flu and had the Isotonix digestive aid in the cubbard so we tried it. Our symptoms, which were very uncomfortable, were lessoned to the point that we carried on throughout our day stopping to take it periodically when the symptoms returned. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. It really made a nasty feeling subside without taking over the counter drugs.
Simone Hentish