Friday, December 22, 2006

Scars And Stretch Marks

I didn't have surgery, but a very bad burn that took several layers of my skin off my wrist. Definately drink aloe juice and OPC-3. Put the aloe lotion on the area around the stitches several times a day (3-4x). This should be done in the beginning stages of healing. This should minimize the scarring or leave no scarring at all.
As for the stretch marks.... Pentaxyl will minimize them, fade them, but not take them away.
Judy Bonn



I was in a car accident and had major whiplash. I spent 3 years of my life suffering from a disease call Fibromyalgia. It was very painful, mainly in my neck, shoulders and back along with severe headaches. I was put on all kinds of medications such as muscle relaxers, painkillers and tranquilizers that lead to anti-depressants and Cortisone injections. I was disabled for 2 years, basically over medicated and feeling useless lying on the couch. I realized that the medication was just coving up the real problem. Then I learned about Market America and nutriceuticals….the all-natural approach to good health. I first did a 7-day Nutri-Clean detoxification that cleanses the colon, digestive system and liver. It flushed the toxins out of my body and I immediately could fell a difference. Then I loaded up on 2 caps of OPC3 and 2 caps of Calcium daily, within 3 weeks my pain was 90% gone and I was myself once again. I added 1 cap or ORAC and now I’m 100% better. I still am very careful not to overdo it and I make a conscience effort to eat right. I have not been on any medication for over 2 years. And I feel great!

Sincerely yours,

Carolyn Bartoletti

First a little bit about myself. My name is Cindy Albright from Appleton, Wisconsin. I am 52 years young ( I finally feel that way now). I have Fibromyalgia, degenerative joint disease (usually referred to as osteoarthritis) and a slight emphysema.

Looking back I believe the cause and start of the firbro and D.J.D. was an auto accident that I was in back in April of 1977. I was 7 months pregnant with our son (yes he is fine), when a drunk driver wanting to commit suicide pulled out in front of me. It could have been worse and thankfully everyone survived. I had some lacerations, deep tissue injury and a broken jaw, which required surgery. I made it through these things over some time. The years go by and life hands you little or big roads blocks (stress), you deal the best you can with these things but stress is also a factor for firbromyalgia.

In approximately 1989 I was diagnosed with fibro. I had aches and some pain, but I thought the doctor didn't know what he was talking about because everybody who went to him seemed to be diagnosed with fibro. I dismissed it and took myself off of the amytriptilene (anti-depressent) they put everyone on for this disease. Then in 1998 I was in another auto accident (again lucky to be alive). This left me with large hematomas and deep tissue injury along with three cracked ribs. I didn't seem to recover as well with this accident. The aches and pain persisted with very little relief in between. Shortly after this my left hip started to bother me a lot. If you aren't sure what true joint hip pain is, it is actually in the groin area. I was also bothered by tendonitis in both elbows, bursitis in both hips, neck and back problems. I felt like a human pin cushion. I never got much relief, just more injections and medications.

January 2002 left me pretty well drained. I was still working in a doctor’s office and on my feet all day. It got harder and harder to do. In March of that year I had to quit working due to my health. In October I had my left hip replaced (avoid this at all costs). In April of 2004 we went to Texas to visit our son. (Do not use the restroom and carry anti-bacterial wipes with you on the airplane). I spent most of my time there in a hospital. I had contracted a gastrointestinal bacterial infection called campylobacter jejuni. When your immune system is already compromised this infection hits you like gang busters and also adds to the problems of fibro. I was walking with one cane at this time and now I needed two. I had to crawl up the stairs in my home and was in pain 24/7. I could not sit or stand up from a chair without help. I spent the majority of my days on the sofa in pain. Unfortunately all the medication I was on did not help. In fact I believe it made me worse.

Then in July of 2004 my prayers were answered. Several years ago while still working in the health field I got my insurance license and mortgage license. My name was on a list of loan originators and I received a call from someone who I thought wanted me to sell mortgages for him. I was in so much pain but yet I agreed to talk with him. (In the back of my mind I knew I needed to make some money but I also knew there was no way possible that I could work). He came over to talk with my husband and me. He actually was a Market America Independent distributor. I only misunderstood him because of the pain and drugs I was on. I am so glad I had said I would speak with him. He could see how much pain I was in and told us about OPC-3 and the great results his wife had with her allergies from it. I thought, oh great, more supplements. I thought I had tried everything there was in an attempt to get better. I said I would try it but I knew for sure it wouldn't help. So I would take it just like you are suppose to and when the bottle was empty I would give it back with some smug remark. BUT IT WORKED!!!!

Four and one-half weeks after taking just the OPC-3 I was experiencing great relief. I threw away one cane and then the other. I couldn't believe the results. I was sleeping better, I hardly had any pain, I stopped taking almost all my prescription medication and I knew I was getting my life back. With my doctors help I managed to get off all of my medication.

OPC-3 has drastically changed my life for the better. All my blood tests are within normal range, my last pulmonary function tests found no trace of emphysema, and the degenerative joint disease in my right knee is all but gone.

I do take other Market America supplements that I have added over some time. I suggest for anyone with fibro, arthritis or D.J.D., that they take OPC-3, Calcium Plus, and Glucosatrin to start.

I hope this helps.



When I was 12 years old, I began to have problems when I ate fruit. My mouth and lips would swell and my throat would itch. The same symptoms would occur when I would eat fresh vegetables. While working in our family’s garden weeding or picking vegetables, especially tomatoes, my arms would swell wherever I came in contact with the plants.

I adjusted my life accordingly. I stopped eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Many parts of life, however, could not be adjusted. I grew up on a farm and would suffer greatly from spring to fall. I had problems breathing. My eyes itched constantly, waking up many mornings with my eyes almost swollen shut. The doctor gave me an occasional booster shot but was concerned about stunting my growth.

I survived childhood, but my problems continued. I am highly allergic to animals – cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. -- anything with fur. I carried a powder inhaler with me to open up my bronchial tubes when I was unable to breath, which was often.

When I was 34 years old, I finally visited an allergist. Two minutes after putting the allergens on my back, the nurse wiped it all off. She said my entire back looked like one giant mosquito bite. Out of the 80 some scratch tests, I did NOT react to 3 of them. My allergist stated that I was the worst case he had seen in his 20 years of practice. He prescribed an EPI-pen and told me not to EVER be without it. If I couldn’t breath, I was to inject this EPI-pen into my leg and get to a hospital as soon as possible.

I received allergy shots for 5 years. Many times, I could not handle even the smallest level of allergens injected. My arms would swell from my shoulders to below my elbows. (I received 2 injections in each arm.) After 5 years and no significant improvements, I stopped the injections.

A friend of mine had mentioned OPC-3 to me a number of times. I’m a fairly stubborn person and was convinced, at this point, that nothing would help me. I finally gave in after a year or so and tried OPC-3. After 2 weeks on the loading dose, I realized that I wasn’t experiencing ANY allergy symptoms – and this was in the spring of the year.

I’ve gone through an entire allergy season without any symptoms -- This fall being one of the worst on record. I enjoy golfing but have never been able to get through a round without Claritin or some other medication. This year, I’ve been golfing without any breathing or sneezing problems. I’ve started eating fresh fruits and vegetables again. I can take walks with my husband and son around dusk while neighbors are cutting their lawns. Every day I am amazed at the changes that have occurred because of OPC-3. I will never, ever be without this product again.

Since ORAC was introduced, I take 2 caps of OPC-3 and 2 caps of ORAC each day. The ORAC seems to help me more with respiratory problems while the OPC-3 takes care of everything else.

S. Manley-Graichen

Saw your message asking for a testimony on allergies. It was all OPC3 for me -- a few years back a friend introduced me to the business and the product that doesn't cure anything but helps everything. Yes, I was the skeptic, but I figured that I would give it a try. Prior to that I went through allergy shots (starting out with one, then one 2x/wk, then two different serums 1x/wk - all just to try to figure out a regimen that would benefit me - that went on for almost four years. I finally quit it all and just went on a variety of over-the-counter attempts. For years our home was never open during any season, boxes of tissues in every room, every pocket/every place, along with nasal sprays by the bed, in my purse, upstairs, downstairs, and in my desk drawer all in anticipation of that stuffy nose/mouth-breathing syndrome. On top of everything, we live in an area with a huge number of oak trees (by allergy testing this was shown as one of my biggest problems). I was miserable!! So, when I heard about OPC3 I figured I had tried all sorts of possibilities so why not try one more. I took what was the loading dose for me plus a little more for about 3 weeks, then the loading dose for 2 weeks, and gradually dropped it down until I was taking just the one capful a day. Wasn't noting much of anything UNTIL about mid-way through the 4th month I suddenly realized - I could breathe through my nose!!!! What an amazing thing. Do you know how dry and chapped your lips become when you are constantly breathing through your nose? A few years back we had that terrible summer with pollen counts off the scale; I just increased my OPC3 and while everyone else was suffering I was smiling. Anyway, I tell anyone with allergies to give it a fair trial. You know some will and some won't but I know it has been wonderful for me. In fact, for the last two years we open the windows to let fresh air in the house during those beautiful days in the spring and fall. This year, when the electric bill starting climbing, we've been sleeping with the windows open and ceiling fans on many nights and now that it's fall (which has always been the worst time for me) I've gone back to two caps a day. And an additional benefit - I've not had one bad sinus headache during the entire time. OPC3 deserves every single bit of praise it gets!

With best regards,

My husband had allergies for over 20 yrs. and we use the OPC-3, ORAC, AND VIT C and he has great result no allergies for almost 3 yrs. now we also add B-12.
Hope this will help

Thinning Hair

I had the thinning hair problem. I can't tell you what caused it but once I started B12 it stopped thinning and started filling in again. When I started the B12 I was taking aloe, digestive enzymes and OPC-3 daily. I don't know if it was the B12 or a combination of the products. After the research I've been doing with the products, I do believe my hair started thinning when my digestion problems began. Once I had those under control and added the B12 I started to notice the changes! Hope this helps!


Chronic Ear Infection (Children)

My grandson was born with torticollis and had chronic ear infections. 
It was terrible. He screamed constantly. My daughter and her husband
almost went insane. After numerous trips to the doctor and having his
little system messed up with antibiotics (and antibiotics do NOT cure
ear infections) the doctor suggested acid reflux medication even thought
he probably did not have acid reflux and physical therapy. The
torticollis continued to get worse to the point of his skull becoming
more and more misshaped. I was able to convince my daughter to try
something else. My suggestion: Take the child to a pediatric
Chiropractor AND follow Debbie Waldec's Health Protocol. Continue with
Mitamins, Aloe and OPC-3. My grandson is 2 ½ and has not had any
problems since we began this regimen...when he was 4 months old! Not
even a cold.
Kay Koski

Crohn's Disease

The last few years have been hard for me, health wise, and I feel obligated
to share some incredible products with you that have helped to change our
lives. I have had Crohn's Disease since I was sixteen years old. Crohn's
Disease is a disease that attacks the digestive system of the body and can
infect anywhere from the mouth to the anus. I had been quite lucky with it
until a few years ago when I suffered from complications of the disease
resulting in removal of 32 inches of my small intestine with Laposcoptic
surgery, and the repair of an abscess fistula. It would take me pages to
explain what it has been like for me living with this disease so all I will
say is that my body, especially my rectum, seem to be slowly deteriorating.
There is not much we know on how you get this disease, but it may be
hereditary. My bowel movements are frequent and usually in the form of
diarrhea. I was somewhat of a hermit for fear of leaving my house with my
daughter, being in the car or in the middle of the mall, and having to rush
to a bathroom, which has happened many times.
My pregnancy to Christina was wonderful and there were no complications at
all. In fact, I felt wonderful the entire pregnancy, the best I had felt
since I got this disease. She is very healthy and we thank God for our angel.
It is hard to believe she is almost 18 months old now. Time goes by so
quickly and these moments are so precious.
Anyway, during the pregnancy I found out that I have Hepatitis C. (Christina
has been tested negative for this virus which we again thank God for.) This
virus enters your blood and is mostly transmitted blood to blood. It is rare
for a baby to contract the virus while in delivery, and is rarely transmitted
sexually. (Erik was tested and negative, also.) In 1985, I had to have a
blood transfusion due to my first real attack from the Crohn's Disease. I
must have contracted it then because they did not know about Hepatitis C at
that time. This virus can stay dormant for years without being detected. The
only way to know if you have it is to be tested specifically for Hepatitis C.
This virus can cause cancer and/or cirrhosis of the liver if left untreated.
I did have a liver biopsy and some other liver tests and I have neither at
this time. In October of 1999, I began a six-month to one-year treatment that
has a 20-30% chance of curing the virus. This treatment is called REBETRON
Combination Therapy and has some nasty side effects such as flu-like symptoms
including nausea, excessive fatigue, headaches, depression, body aches,
fever, loss of appetite, mood swings, memory loss, etc. and has affected my
entire family. We thank God for our wonderful family and friends that have
been extra supportive and helpful.
In May of 1999, I was introduced to a product by a couple I met that go to
the same church as we do, called Isotonix OPC-3. I started taking it right
away along with the Isotonix vitamins. After the first month, I did not think
I noticed a difference until I stopped taking the OPC-3 and vitamins. After a
week or so, I started to feel fatigued all the time, which I had felt since
the birth of Christina and before the pregnancy, so I decided to start taking
both again. Within a few days, I noticed that I had more energy and within
the next six weeks, I really started to feel good most of the time. I had
even gained some weight. People were actually telling me how good I was
looking. I was also taking Ultimate Aloe for less than a month before
starting my treatment. I am now drinking Ultimate Aloe. About two weeks after
ending my Hepatitis C treatment, my bowel movements went from anywhere from
4-12 daily to 2 daily.
The Hepatitis C no longer showed up in my system after the first three months
of treatment. I did experience some of the side effects listed above,
especially fatigue, due to the medication since October. I believe with all
my heart that if I was not taking the Isotonix OPC-3 and Isotonix vitamins
that my symptoms would have been more severe than they were from other people
I have talked with. Since completing my treatment, I feel absolutely
incredible and everyone keeps telling me how wonderful I look. Thank God for
Market America and their wonderful products.
If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to talk, please contact
me. We wish you much happiness and good health.

Best Wishes

Chronic Fatigue

While I wasn't diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia, meaning I was tired all the time, but they didn't know why. For many years, I would sleep every chance I got, in the parking lot in my car after lunch, in an office during lunch, getting my hair cut, having my teeth cleaned, even driving, which was the worst.
My family doctor told me - after years of problems - that I was probably just a 10 hour a night sleeper who only got 8 hours. I finally visited a sleep doctor. I was wired up for an overnight test. I was in REM sleep for 95% of the time, so getting good sleep at night. The next day, they kept me wired up and turned off the lights every 2 hours and told me to try to sleep. Within minutes, I was asleep each time. I told the doctor that I had very poor eating habits and didn't take supplements. She told me it wasn't nutrition related, I was just tired all the time and they didn't know why. She prescribed Provigil, which is a medication for Narcalepsy. It worked great! I couldn't believe that was how awake and aware I was supposed to feel.
Then, along came Market America. I started taking OPC-3. After a few weeks, the Provigil started giving me headaches when I would take it, so I quit taking it. I could physically stay awake during the day, which was better than before OPC-3, but I was still very tired. I added CoQ10 to the mix and felt 100% better. I also had the Gene SNP done and found out that I have a B Vitamin Deficiency, which may explain some of the problems, but I don't take the Gene SNP supplements, so I'm sure it is the CoQ10 that is helping. Also, I have a nice big mug of MochaTonix everyday and notice when I haven't had it yet.
I hope this helps.