Thursday, December 21, 2006


On the subject of Attention Deficit Disorder, two of my children have this problem. My adult daughter has always complained about feeling detached and like she has a lot of difficulty staying focused on what people are saying – also remembering things. When she started taking OPC-3, she was amazed. She says that the cloud lifted from her brain and she felt like she could think clearly for the first time. My son, who is now 14 years old, has always had learning problems, difficulty paying attention, difficulty following directions, lost his temper very easily, and while he isn’t a classic hyperactive type, he does have some unusual behavior patterns. When we found out that OPC-3 could help with this, we immediately had him start taking it. Before OPC-3, he had made little progress in his school work for the entire year before, and we weren’t sure what to do with him. In the year after he started taking OPC-3, he advanced five grade levels in his reading skills, and two grade levels in math. He says that OPC-3 helps him think, and concentration is much easier. He also calmed down some and is in much better control of the rages that he used to have. Another nice little side benefit; he used to get every virus that came along – it seemed that he was always sick. As soon as he started on OPC-3, he was the healthiest one in the house, and with six children, that’s saying a lot.

Gail Weekly

Roseburg, OR

We have a son that was taking 20 mg of Ritalin a day, and that was barely getting him through the day. We took him off Ritalin all together and he takes 2 capfuls of OPC-3 in the morning, about 15 minutes before he eats, and that gets him through the whole school day. There really is no set dose that will work on everyone, they all seem to react just a little differently. You will have to try a dosage and see how it works. We tried it on a non-school day so we could see his behavior, and we got it on the first shot.

Charles and Denise

My son was diagnosed with ADD in 6th grade. He was put on Ritalin and had been on it for almost a year. He too started having the Ritalin side effects after about 8 months on meds, including mood swings when the meds wore off. A friend told me about OPC-3. I started him on it but didn’t notice a difference until about 2½ to 3 months in. Then I dropped his morning dose of Ritalin. No one at school noticed a difference without his meds. We noticed a difference in mood. When school ended last year, I stopped all meds, & replaced them with: 2 caps of OPC-3 & 1 cap B-12

After a recent seminar by a doctor, I’ve added 1 cap of Calcium daily (mainly for the magnesium) and Vitamin C.

He is now 13 and is completely off Ritalin. He still complains about drinking his Isotonix®, but he does it out of force of habit. I made sure of it! Kids will fight anything new. Don’t let your customer give up because her son doesn’t like the taste. I did start out mixing his Isotonix® with ½ water & ½ apple juice.

Some concerns to share with your customer:

Schools almost make it fun to be on meds at schools – my son got to leave class early to go to the office to get his Ritalin before lunch. Some kids, including my son, thought that was “cool”. I did not want my son entering high school on any medication. It just opens the door to the ease of taking other “drugs” – I know that sounds a bit crazy, but ADD & ADHD kids are much more impulsive/compulsive and therefore more susceptible to addictions (a documented fact).

There are still concerns about long term effects of Ritalin type drugs. I saw side effects within 6-8 months.

I have twins who are 17 and weigh around 95 lbs. They have ADD, and they were put on Rydalin years ago and I didn't like the way the Rydalin made them act so I decided to try the OPC-3. They take two capfuls a day and are doing great. They will tell anyone that with the OPC-3 they find they can pay attention more and retain what they are learning. They have also told me that when they read a book it is easier because they can remember what they have read and don't have to read it over and over. I as a parent thank God for OPC-3. Because of my success with this product I have shared it with many of my friends who have children with the same problem and all are doing great. I also have a customer whose son has ADHD and although he has recently started using the OPC-3 she has told me there is a difference in him and will continue to use the product. She gave a big hug and thanked me for giving her son back!!! He is 10 and weighs around 80 lbs.

Terri Bailey

West VA

One of my customers has a 4-year-old with ADD and has had tremendous results with OPC-3 and Calcium Plus. His psychiatrist has been very impressed with the improvement in his temperament and ability to cope with stress and emotions. He has actually been able to stop and think things through rather than “acting-out” all of his feelings. The psychiatrist was very impressed with the results of this non-drug therapy and recommended that his mother continue with what she has been doing. His daycare provider has seen significant changes in his ability to get along with the other children and respecting others’ feelings and rights. I know this isn’t very technical, but every little bit helps. He has only been on the product for a month.

Shila Fisher

Portland, OR

My sister's son had a severe case of ADHD and was on prescription meds for three years and the problem worsened. She started intense research into the natural alternatives and she removed all sugar products from Lance's diet and started him on OPC-3 and Mineral Blast®. He went from a “C” and “D” student to an “A” and “B” student in about 3 months. She was able to wean him completely off the meds that he was on in 6 months. I would suggest your friend try 2 caps of OPC-3 and 1 cap of Mineral Blast® and see what happens. Also the sugar needs to be removed from his diet. Strangely enough, my nephew can now eat some sugar without feeling the consequences, but he stayed off sugar for about 8 months.

Marjie Shires

I am writing to share my experience with Isotonix® B-12 and OPC-3.

My son, who is eight years old has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and he is also an Asthmatic. He was taking 60 mg of Rydalin per day for ADHD and varied medicines as needed for his Asthma condition. It is difficult enough for me to take daily medication, but to have to give it to my 8 year old was frustrating. Our life was coordinated around medications. Our school and after school program had to keep up with the demands of one child’s meds. By the end of May, daily trips to school and calls from the after school program, due to my son’s behavior, had pretty much dictated an increase in his medication again.

I had heard of the positive effects of B-12 and OPC-3 through my sponsor Mike Homer. I hoped this would be the answer to my prayers. My son is now taking B-12 and OPC-3 on a daily basis and his Rydalin has been cut in HALF! His grades have improved 100% and I have not received one phone call from his teacher this school year. And as a bonus, he has not had a severe Asthma attack since he started on the Isotonix®. Considering he has had 6 hospital stays in the last 3 years due to Asthma, I would say this is as close to a 100% success rate as one can hope for.

Market America truly changed my life and the life of my family. Their products are a blessing and will remain an important part of our life forever.

Sincerely, Maureen Jock

My son started on product when he was 11 years old and starting 5 grade. He was diagnosed with ADD and auditory processing disorder. He had been on Ritalin since 2nd grade after trying Bio-Feedback Treatments and allergy testing. He weighed 60 pounds for 2 years and in 4th grade claimed he had NO FRIENDS! A friend introduced me to the products, so I started him on B-12 and Multi Tech (no children’s back then). I was a little nervous about OPC-3, my husband was a pharmacist and never heard of it. After watching the video and getting into the business, we started him on one dose of OPC-3 in the evening and took his evening dose of Ritalin away. In the first couple of weeks the first things I noticed was he remembered his teachers name. Previously it would take 2-3 months for that to occur. Also, he became more organized in his room. Actually sorting his toys instead of dumping them into one box. He also gained 20 pounds as well as having friends in his classroom. (He still has some as friends to this day. He just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago.) He was on it for about 6 months before I noticed at one of my other son's events that he was actually sitting still in a chair!! I knew then that it was really working!