With that background I will tell you that I was referred to Stanford University in Central California for treatment and surgery if warranted. In my case, and I stress that very strongly because many other people have had successful operations from this Dr. He has done very well in this area, so we went to him for help. After approximately 5 surgeries and 3 tongue reduction procedures, I have yet to go back to work, or feel any better after having these operations performed. I do not receive any better results from my C-pap machine either.
I tell you these things because of your inquiry, not to keep you from surgery. It could possibly be the answer for you. You should know however that some of the surgeries can change the configuration of your face as well as how your teeth line up after surgery. I have found the teeth problem to be the most irritating. The fact that the surgeries were not successful didn't help either.
You may ask...How does this affect family life? Well, in my case it has really taken a spin..Thank Heavens we have companies like Market America that are trying to help in as many circumstances as possible to help people in our situation.
A few products that have been helpful are: 1.) Mutitech vitamins help me keep up on the daily RDA's, 2.) Mochatonics 3.) Awake, 4.) weight control is a must also, so if that is an issue the Transitions can help with that. As far as a solution, all I can offer is that somewhere in between using Market America products and following Drs. who are familiar with our products seem to be the best result. If that includes surgery by all means do it! I hope this helps you before you take this leap that can be a help or detriment depending on how things go.
Kevin Lister