These are testimonials from our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment
Typed from a voicemail message 9/22/04 --
This is Miami Schufeld and I thought this was a really important message to put out to everyone. I just got back from my daughter’s visit to her pediatrician. When she was about eight months old, she was diagnosed with an asthma or allergy, they really didn’t know what it was and she had to take Albuterol, which as some of you may know, is an awful, awful steroid for kids to take but we really didn’t feel that we had a choice because she was having difficulty breathing. She was also on a nebulizer.
When we started evaluating this business in February 2004, Kevin and Debbie Nolan suggested we try OPC-3 and Might-A-Mins for our daughter. And we did, and slowly but surely we noticed that she wasn’t waking up anymore at night with her wheezing and coughing, and that it was going away.
Well, we got back from our pediatrician today and they told us that she no longer has to have Albuterol or use her nebulizer.
It’s just a really important thing; I’m getting emotional now but my 2/1/2 year old is no longer on an awful, awful drug.
Just wanted to let everyone know that our products are amazing. My daughter wants to say something…you probably couldn’t hear her. She was saying thank you, Market
I give OPC-3 to both my kids and they are almost 3 and almost 5. It works great when we start to get a cold, I give them a full adult dose 2 or 3 times a day for a couple days. Other days they get 1/2 adult dose. They are the only two kids at school who have not missed a day!
Hope this helps!
Amy Chaffin
I have had my little guy on OPC-3 since in vitro. He is 37 lbs. and takes a cap of Might-A-Mins and one cap OPC-3 each day. He also takes Ultimate Aloe and Mineral Blast, and Calcium Plus at night. He is the HEALTHIEST child I have ever seen...never collicky, no ear infections, no noticeable teething pain and no bad colds or flu's that have kept him in bed...easy delivery at 10 lbs. for this old mom also.
Amber Humphrey
Our products can be very effective for young children w/allergies. My son was suffering terribly with seasonal allergies at 13 months of age. One of the doctors at his pediatric practice wanted to start him on anti-histamines. I refused & started him on 1 cap of OPC & 1 cap of Might-a-Mins, along w/one ounce of aloe juice daily. His allergies were gone that day! Another pediatrician in that practice was so impressed that she bought aloe juice & OPC for her elderly parents & is now a distributor herself.
I have tried to drop his dose down to 1/2 a cap on the OPC, but don't get the same results. We have since added Vitamin C because he likes the taste (and I know it's good for him). He has just turned 4, and (other than tick bites & food poisoning) he has not been back to the pediatrician for an illness since. He sees the doctor once a year now for an annual check-up.
Whenever something nasty is going around his pre-school, I bump up his aloe & he skates right through. On occasion, he's come down with the sniffles, a stomach flu, or a fever, but they have never lasted more than one day. If he's not feeling well, he asks for aloe & OPC himself because he knows they will make him feel better. I've given him cough syrup only once in 3 years & have to throw out all the OTC remedies (Tylenol, etc.) that moms like to keep on hand "just in case" because they expire before we ever use them. I attribute all of this to our wonderful products!
Margie Leather
Monroe, NY
My nephew (with severe Heart problems) started OPC-3 when he was 13 months old (13 lbs.) We started him on 1/2 adult dose, which was still a little better than 5 times (per his weight). He is doing great! He wasn't really expected to see his first birthday, but he will see his third in just a few weeks. To look at him, one would never know he has any medical problems at all.
Another nephew, who suffers both from allergies and asthma was started on OPC-3 at 18 months old, (15 lbs) -- also half a dose. His older brother (9), with the same problems, takes a whole dose. Both are also doing great and have had no more attacks.
For them, the OPC-3 alone was too sour. They weren't really thrilled, made ugly faces and threw their bottles/cups back at us. So . . . We added some Isotonix Vitamin C and gave it to them as the first bottle/cup in the morning. Evidently the Vitamin C added enough sweetness to make it palatable for them. I hope this helps.
Karen Johnson
ATG #2527
Both my wife & 10 year old daughter suffer serious allergy problems, or I should say did suffer from. Literally every 6 weeks my daughter would get an infection in her throat followed by a serious fever(102-104) this would last for a week accompanied by a regimen of antibiotics. She had suffered from this most of her life & my wife took clariton every day for many years for her allergies.
For the last 10 months they have each taken 1 capful of OPC-3 a day with a half cap of the Vitamin C. My daughter has not been sick 1 time in the last 10 months (we were a few weeks from having her tonsils removed when we noticed the improvement & cancelled the surgery). My wife has maybe taken 4 doses of Clariton in the last 10 months. I am starting to make some $$ with my Unfranchise but even if I did not make a dime I would never stop because of what these products have done for my family.
Chester County
Hi team: I have a niece who is 5 and has severe asthma. We started her on OPC3 in Dec. and she is doing well. She too was using a home nebulizer with Albuterol and steroid inhalants. Her Mother was apprehensive about giving it to her so she took it to her Dr. and asked first. Of course, the Dr. didn't know much about it but said it "wouldn't hurt her." I give it to all my kids and 3 of them have severe allergies that lead to sinus infections many times a year. They are sooooo much better and not using Allegra and Claritin anymore. They get a slight cold now and then but no big problems.
I now give it to my 15 month old in her sippee cup along with Vit. C. I really swear by it for all my own sinus problems and many aches and pains in my joints. There is nothing like it. I asked my Nurse Practitioner and the allergist office what she thought of it as I told her how it was helping all my kids, and she takes it herself!! She said it's a great product!! I'd rather buy OPC3 from myself than thousand of dollars worth of antibiotics and allergy meds from the pharmaceutical companies!! Plus the cost of the office visit, the time, the hassle, and having sick kids. Get the picture.
My personal experience is one dose of OPC-3 each day takes care of my fall allergies. My 9 year old son, who used to develop winter allergies and had secondary bronchial infections all winter long (every 3 weeks it was to the doctor for more antibiotics), is on one dose a day (a double dose for him per weight) and hasn't had the usual allergy symptoms and no secondary infections for the past two winters.
I have a new customer who used it to bring down their blood pressure are pleasantly "surprised" that they don't have any allergies this spring (and pollen counts are high this spring!). Another customer told his wife that this spring he could smell the dirt of a newly tilled field. Something he hadn't been able to smell due to chronic sinuses for many, many years!
OPC-3 is WONDERFUL for allergies.
I have had my daughter, Kelley, on MightaMins and about a 1/3 dose (based on her weight) of OPC every morning and she hasn't been ill for over a year! You can tell she has a tendency for allergies during the season which is why we added the OPC. We also give her Strawberry/Kiwi Aloe to help her with any digestive issues whenever she needs it, which is not often. She is extremely healthy now!
Hope that helps!
Hi team: I have a niece who is 5 and has severe asthma. We started her on OPC3 in Dec. and she is doing well. She too was using a home nebulizer with Albuterol and steroid inhalants. Her Mother was apprehensive about giving it to her so she took it to her Dr. and asked first. Of course, the Dr. didn't know much about it but said it "wouldn't hurt her." I give it to all my kids and 3 of them have severe allergies that lead to sinus infections many times a year. They are sooooo much better and not using Allegra and Claritin anymore. They get a slight cold now and then but no big problems.
I now give it to my 15 month old in her sippee cup along with Vit. C. I really swear by it for all my own sinus problems and many aches and pains in my joints. There is nothing like it. I asked my Nurse Practitioner and the allergist office what she thought of it as I told her how it was helping all my kids, and she takes it herself!! She said it's a great product!! I'd rather buy OPC3 from myself than thousand of dollars worth of antibiotics and allergy meds from the pharmaceutical companies!! Plus the cost of the office visit, the time, the hassle, and having sick kids. Get the picture.
I have year-round allergies. I've never been medically tested to see exactly what I am allergic to. I know for sure that I don't take very kindly to dust, mold or mildew, and whatever common pollens or organic matter that are flying around. I used to take Claritin every day of the year. I've been on OPC-3 for over 6 months, and it has been just wonderful! I can tell when I wake up in the morning whether it'll be a good or bad day for my allergies. I take one cap each of OPC-3, Multi-tech, and Antioxidant every day, but on bad days I either take a double or triple dose of OPC-3. I know it works for ME, because sometimes I take only one OPC-3 in the morning, and if I'm still sniffling before I eat breakfast, I'll take a second (or third) cap, and within a half-hour I feel fine. It works for me.
It's great taking a superior product for overall great health and having the nice benefit of allergy control! And no more prescriptions full of chemicals to waste my money on !!!!!