I have been a dog groomer for 37 years. I have a tremendous amount of knowledge about dog and cat’s coats and their overall health. When I was first told about Pet Health, I looked at it like other products I have heard about that were supposed to be phenomenal for pet’s health. I had a very skeptic attitude, as I had never seen a product do what it said it would do.
When the woman came to pick her up I said I’ve heard good things about this product. I do not know, but it is worth a shot. So she bought it since it was only $23 with tax included [90 servings]. She called me 4 days later. The dog had put weight on, had an alertness in her eyes and was attempting to run which she had not done in 5 years. She regained her weight, her face filled out, her eyesight improved and she enjoyed another almost 8 months of life due solely to the Pet Health. Her kidneys finally failed and she died two weeks ago.
I would recommend Pet Health for any dog from the age of 6 weeks to extremely old. It is going to help the dog’s health and well being and extend their life.
I personally have 5 small rescued dogs. One of them was very sick when I first got her and the vet wanted to put her down. I changed her diet and included the Pet Health and she is now my healthiest dog! All the dogs love the OPC3 for pets and they lick the stuff off the top so I have to mix it in very good. Their coats are shiny and healthy and they are all older dogs and there is no stiffness going on and they run and play like pups. They were not nearly this active before Pet Health.
We started regular daily use of Pet Health after he finished his meds 1 week after surgery. After slowly going from cage to room to house – we were ready to let him out again after 6 weeks. He had great mobility and strength. We took him to the vet for their evaluation. They were truly amazed at his strength and mobility as well. She still did not want us to let him out - but if you knew Gustavo – you can’t keep him in. So – we let him back out to rule the neighborhood. That was last October 05! He has been amazing ever since – no limping – still dominates all other cats/wildlife etc. We have kept him on a ½ scoop of Pet Health ever since!!!!
Brenda Wood
My elderly neighbor struggled through one winter with a cat that suffered from horrible congestion, coughing, wheezing and sneezing. I internet researched for him and thought it to be herpes virus. The vets treated the cat with several different antibiotics at expense of about
$700-800 and with great difficulty putting meds down its throat. It was such a hassle and so expensive he thought he'd have to put the cat to sleep, though he hated to.
Six months ago one of my customers brought her Elkhound in for a grooming. She has cancer and was not far from dying. The vet said three weeks. We put her on Pet Health double dose. That was six months ago. In five days she was up and trying to run around. She would lose control of her back legs and fall, but she kept working at it. She has put on weight and her eyes have lost that glassy look. I just saw her yesterday and she is looking perky. I have been grooming dogs for 36 years, so I have a little knowledge in this area.
My neighbors have a 13 year old teacup poodle - Jacques. This little guy weighs 7lbs. ( he is overweight!) Jacques has emphysema. His original owner smoked constantly and of course this little guy inhaled it all. Well, one year ago they had to carry him up and down the stairs everytime he went out. He takes a heart pill and a water pill twice a day. I convinced them to give him Pet Health. Well, you would never believe this little guy now. First, he loves the taste. He now runs up and down the stairs, and runs and plays like a puppy. People are floored when you tell them this little guy is 13. He still has to take his pills, but Jacques is going to die of old age in his sleep and from nothing else. His vet and his groomer cannot get over the difference in this loveable guy. I just wish every pet owner would give Pet Health to their animals.
My dog was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease in August, 2005. He was limping all the time and lethargic. I put him on OPC3 for pets. He doesn't limp anymore and has so dang much energy! Judith Savarese New Jersey ......................................
One of my friends has a kitty that went into renal failure .My friend took her cat to the vet who basically said "Well, we can make her comfortable and then when it gets too bad we can put her out of her pain. I gave my friend a jar of pet health and said "try it". To make a long story short, kitty loves Pet Health and is running around today acting and looking like a very health kitty. Daria Mainetti DDM Solutions
I had a 13 yr old mixed Australian Shepherd mix. He had tumors growing on his eyes. He was also very slow to move and getting less and less playful. His eyes were also cloudy. I started him on the Pet Health and six weeks later his tumors reduced substantially and his eyes were clear. His energy level and playfulness had picked up quite a bit. He is now 14 and still with us although I know his time may be limited due to his age. I know this product has given him number of months that have been a lot less pain free. He also continues to go on our 3 mile walks. David