Thursday, December 21, 2006


*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***



My personal story is: I suffered at least one migraine a month for 20 years first the zig zig lines in my peripheral vision, followed by blind spots in the middle of my vision so I could barely drive home from work before phase three set in - excruciating pain that *nothing* helped. This lasted

for 24 hours. If I ate lots of sugar as soon as the zig zag started, I could sometimes stave of the rest of the symptoms - until next time. I started on OPC-3 4 years ago and have not had a migraine since. For the first few months the zig zags would start and I would take an extra OPC3, which would stop it.

I know some people also find B 12 is necessary to stop them. Since those first few months I haven't even had a zig zag, much less blindness and pain.

Guess I finally got enough OPC3 in my system!

Ramona Rhoades

Los Angeles


I have suffered from migraine headaches for over twenty years. I had at least one headache a month, if not more. Symptoms included blurred vision, nausea - in fact I could not stand to smell food cooking or I would be sick to my stomach. I had to have the room darkened and I would sleep as much as I could - trying not to move too much. Doctors attitude was you have to learn to live with it, you're just one of those people.

I heard that OPC-3 may help to get rid of headaches, and I decided to give it a try. I started taking it in August, and realized after a very short time (2 months) that I hadn't had a migraine headache since starting the OPC-3. I have only had one since I started on OPC and to me that's incredible!

I feel that I have my life back and I now have freedom to travel, make plans with my friends or to take on projects without fear of being unable to complete/fulfill my promises.

I am truly thankful that Market America has such a wonderful product available to anyone/ everyone who wants to take charge of their own health using products that are safe and natural.

I was so impressed that I am now a distributor.


B. J. Samorodny

Thunder Bay, ON Canada


My name is John Lehotsky and I suffered from severe migraine headaches on and off for about 15 years. These headaches would occur with little advance warning and would send me to bed, unable to stand light, noise or any contact. At their peak I would become violently sick to my stomach.

Doctors prescribed almost every medication known with no results. I spent 4 days in the hospital with an IV, administering Dihydro-ergotomine. I had a serious reaction to the anti-nausea drug that was used in addition to the DHE and had terrible muscle spasms.

I was privileged to meet Cheree Culpepper before our local seminar and asked her what I might try to stem these awful headaches. Cheree advised two capfuls of Isotonix B-12 with my two caps of OPC-3. I received immediate results that were far above my expectations. I did not experience any headaches of any degree for the next several weeks. I ran out of B-12, waiting for my order to be delivered by UPS and immediately got a migraine that day. One of our business partners loaned us a bottle until ours came in and the headache immediately subsided.

I can assure you that the B-12 is the answer to my dilemma and I will not allow myself to run out again. The nice side-effect is that I have more energy and I have a brand new lease on life.

Thanks to Cheree Culpepper for her research and insight for all the people she's helped.


John K. Lehotsky

Williamsport, Pennsylvania


I started using OPC in June, and later added B-12 because I heard it does something for migraines. I used a Prescription Drug, first Imitrex, then switched to Zomig because it's claim was to help ease a migraine once well under way, but the Imitrex has to catch the migraine in the early, early stage in order to work. The Zomig comes six in a pack, and cost $100.00 (luckily my insurance paid 80%), but I was going through an awful lot of them. I was having Migraines for about 1 1/2 years, about 4 a month, then increased to about 6 or 7 a month, sometimes even more. EVER SINCE I STARTED B-12, IN SEPTEMBER, I HAVE ONLY HAD 3 MIGRAINES! It is absolutely incredible. I only take one capful of B-12 a day, but I increased them during the migraines to three caps. I have B-12 on transfer buying; I couldn't stand the thought of running out. Oh, by the way, I got a migraine when I ran out of B-12!!!, Thank goodness for overnight buying. I only had to go 5 days without it.

Lucretia A. McGonagle

Westbrook, ME


In response to your request to an Asthma testimony.

OPC-3 and my fourteen year old daughter who had asthma and severe Allergies since the age of 3 are the reasons I became a Market America distributor!!!!!

My mom in Conn. sent this strange bottle of "stuff" to her granddaughter living in MD., because she had heard many testimonies about positive results concerning asthma and OPC-3. The bottle sat on our counter for about 2 weeks, and my daughter didn't seem the least bit interested in drinking this thing that gramma sent. I felt a little guilty that my mom had paid for this so I started to take the OPC-3.

After one week the migraines that I suffered from since the age of sixteen were gone(I WASN'T READY TO ADMIT,IT WAS THE OPC). After two weeks and no migraines, I was ready to find out what was going on here. After three weeks I wanted to know about Market America........Now after I had attended meetings, and heard powerful testimonies myself regarding asthma and OPC,I made my daughter take this.......

This little girl had missed twenty-seven days of school last year, she always ended up with serious sinus infections (every year,)and has been rushed to the hospital by the school nurse in the past.

She is a competitive gymnast, and this year during her state competition she was able to compete to her full potential, because she wasn't suffering from symptoms from allergies and wasn't having asthma attacks....She won the Maryland state vault title in her age group as a level eight gymnast and placed third all around! She is doing great, even during one of the worst pollen seasons on record, she doesn't even have red itchy eyes and No asthma attacks.

Does our family believe in OPC.................without hesitation YES!!!!!!!!!


I had terrible migraines as long as I can remember. I was finally "diagnosed with common migraines" in 1983. I have taken, Fiorinol, Fioricet, and Ergomar -- none of which did me any good. About 3 years ago, I started taking Isotonix B-12 formula. I have decreased my migraines from as many as 5 a month, to about 2 a year (usually when I get lazy and forget to take my B-12). A doctor that I asked about it said that people who have common migraines often have boarder-line under-active thyroids and that the B-12 will kick start the thyroid into functioning properly again. I take a single dose of B-12 every day and it helps a lot. I have also heard of people having great success with OPC-3 and migraines. If I feel one coming on, I will take a double-dose B-12 along with a double-dose OPC-3 (in addition to what I usually take) and I can often stop a migraine before it really gets started. I still have to try to avoid my "triggers", but I feel like I've got my life back!!

I'm no doctor but this sure is working for me!!

Sandi Gerard

Charlotte, NC


I also know of a customer who takes only B-12 for migraines. She suffered from them to the point of blacking out. As long as she takes B-12, she doesn't get headaches.



Here is my OPC-3 testimonial that relates to migraines, as well as a few other ailments:

Upon signing on as a distributor, I started using OPC-3 as a preventative measure as heart disease and cancer run rampant in my family knew of the benefits of antioxidants so OPC-3 seemed like a great "insurance policy" in protecting me from the diseases that have plagued my relatives.

I don't know of any person on this planet who is totally healthy; pain free or problem free. I had various problems such as migraines which I took Fiorinal, PMS and the symptoms associated with it-bloating, fatigue, again the migraines, irritability, extreme cramping that required pain meds, etc...I have a bad knee from a car accident that always hurt, and I also have spring and summer allergies.

I also have had a blood disorder that my doctors have not been able to identify. I get mysterious bruises, sometimes 30 at a time, all over my body. I have been tested for everything under the sun like Hemophelia and VonWillibrands disease. ALL of these ailments that I have suffered for

Years with have been positively affected since I began taking 3 caps a day of OPC-3. NO more migraines, no more pain meds for PMS, my knee feels normal for the first time in 15 years, allergy symptoms reduced greatly, and my bruising is at the lowest its been my whole life. I never expected anything like this to happen from taking it. It’s really an incredible product.

Valerie Krauss


Here's our groups latest on this issue! We are working with a girl with migraines so bad that she actually passes out from them. Until a few weeks ago, she got them almost every day. She definitely wanted to start on the OPC-3, and we highly recommended the B-12 as well. In fact, to a brand new customer just starting I'll recommend the B-12 over the OPC-3 for eadaches just because of my experiences. She started on both products the day after we met her, and she didn't get a headache! Nor did she get ANY headaches for about two weeks, until the day that she didn't take her B-12. Not surprisingly, she got a headache that day. Needless to say, she was immediately on the phone to order enough OPC-3 and B-12 to prevent running out again! I believe very strongly the B-12 for headaches. In fact, I take it just like I *used* to take Tylenol or Motrin when I feel one coming on. Works every time! As I said earlier, if it's a new customer who only wants to try one thing for headaches, I'll usually go with the B-12 before the OPC. Once they're thrilled to death with those results, they'll probably respect what you tell them about OPC, too!

Stacey Flynn

Greensboro, PA


Hi, I had severe, put me to bed, Migraines for 15 years. I haven't had a Migraine since I became a distributor. Today I have a stressed, sort of almost there, headache but it hasn't manifested into a migraine. I woke up with it, so I know it's trying to be a migraine but it feels like it just can't grow into one. It feels like a tightening at the back of my head and shoulders at this point. I have no doubt that the products I'm taking have to be the reason for the relief. I take OPC-3, MultiTech and Mineral Blast (every other day for the Mineral Blast).

Shelly Elkins



The condition to which you refer is quite well known in the Gynecologic field. We sometimes refer to them as menstrual withdrawal headaches. It has been shown that the result from the falling levels of estrogen just before the onset of the mense (period). For many years, I have used the estrogen patch to abort the headache. Applied 2-3 days before the expected onset of the headache, it often works quite nicely in reducing the severity and duration of the headache. For the past 7 years, I have also highly recommended OPC-3 for, not only these headaches, but for any headache, especially the classic migraines. I believe the OPC-3, by stabilizing the cell membrane and vessel wall, may actually reduce the vasospasm (sensitivity of the blood vessel to those stimuli which make it constrict).

This process allows the blood to flow more freely avoiding the compensatory vasodilatation (opening or dilating of the cerebral vessels) which is what results in the pounding headache.

My family often teases me since I seem to recommend OPC for just about everything. I also like to combine the OPC with Vitamin C and the Antioxidant. I routinely recommend multiple dosing since the body seems to like consistency and does better, at least with supplements, if you give it smaller doses more frequently.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

John B. Monaco. M.D.