Thursday, December 21, 2006


My husband Mike had shingles - is just getting over it in fact. He took extra OPC and Aloe - 5 or 6 doses a day of each (plus everything else he usually takes). He only felt sick for a couple of days and had very little pain (I understand shingles is very painful), and now - about 3 weeks later is just fine.

He felt so well, in fact, that I had to keep reminding him that he was contagious so he wouldn't spread the virus around. He had one HUGE spot on his neck - about 1" diameter where several blisters merged to make one big pock - then it made one big scab. When the scab fell off, the hole looked terrible - still about 3/4" diameter and about 1/4" deep. He started putting Triple Serum on it several times a day - for the last week or so - and the scar is getting smaller every day. It is only about 1/4" diameter now. He did - however - give the chickenpox to our 14-year-old son :-( Now we're doing the same regimen with him.

Gail Weekly, Roseburg, Oregon


I experienced the 'singles' in Feb about the same time as David Letterman. He was away from the show for a month or more. I was taking 1 dose of OPC-3, Calcium, & Multi-tech prior to the bout with 'shingles'. When

I realized (over a week-end) what I was involved with, I immediately upped my OPC-3 to 6 doses & doubled the others. When the Dr saw me, she said a classic case, prescribed an antibiotic & pain reliever. I did take

the antibiotic for the 1 week. At 2 weeks the 'shingles' were nearly gone. And I thank M/A products for that! Dennis did share my testimony on ATG in the spring. Carol Holliday