When I was 12 years old, I began to have problems when I ate fruit. My mouth and lips would swell and my throat would itch. The same symptoms would occur when I would eat fresh vegetables. While working in our family’s garden weeding or picking vegetables, especially tomatoes, my arms would swell wherever I came in contact with the plants.
I adjusted my life accordingly. I stopped eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Many parts of life, however, could not be adjusted. I grew up on a farm and would suffer greatly from spring to fall. I had problems breathing. My eyes itched constantly, waking up many mornings with my eyes almost swollen shut. The doctor gave me an occasional booster shot but was concerned about stunting my growth.
I survived childhood, but my problems continued. I am highly allergic to animals – cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. -- anything with fur. I carried a powder inhaler with me to open up my bronchial tubes when I was unable to breath, which was often.
When I was 34 years old, I finally visited an allergist. Two minutes after putting the allergens on my back, the nurse wiped it all off. She said my entire back looked like one giant mosquito bite. Out of the 80 some scratch tests, I did NOT react to 3 of them. My allergist stated that I was the worst case he had seen in his 20 years of practice. He prescribed an EPI-pen and told me not to EVER be without it. If I couldn’t breath, I was to inject this EPI-pen into my leg and get to a hospital as soon as possible.
I received allergy shots for 5 years. Many times, I could not handle even the smallest level of allergens injected. My arms would swell from my shoulders to below my elbows. (I received 2 injections in each arm.) After 5 years and no significant improvements, I stopped the injections.
A friend of mine had mentioned OPC-3 to me a number of times. I’m a fairly stubborn person and was convinced, at this point, that nothing would help me. I finally gave in after a year or so and tried OPC-3. After 2 weeks on the loading dose, I realized that I wasn’t experiencing ANY allergy symptoms – and this was in the spring of the year.
I’ve gone through an entire allergy season without any symptoms -- This fall being one of the worst on record. I enjoy golfing but have never been able to get through a round without Claritin or some other medication. This year, I’ve been golfing without any breathing or sneezing problems. I’ve started eating fresh fruits and vegetables again. I can take walks with my husband and son around dusk while neighbors are cutting their lawns. Every day I am amazed at the changes that have occurred because of OPC-3. I will never, ever be without this product again.
Since ORAC was introduced, I take 2 caps of OPC-3 and 2 caps of ORAC each day. The ORAC seems to help me more with respiratory problems while the OPC-3 takes care of everything else.
S. Manley-Graichen
Saw your message asking for a testimony on allergies. It was all OPC3 for me -- a few years back a friend introduced me to the business and the product that doesn't cure anything but helps everything. Yes, I was the skeptic, but I figured that I would give it a try. Prior to that I went through allergy shots (starting out with one, then one 2x/wk, then two different serums 1x/wk - all just to try to figure out a regimen that would benefit me - that went on for almost four years. I finally quit it all and just went on a variety of over-the-counter attempts. For years our home was never open during any season, boxes of tissues in every room, every pocket/every place, along with nasal sprays by the bed, in my purse, upstairs, downstairs, and in my desk drawer all in anticipation of that stuffy nose/mouth-breathing syndrome. On top of everything, we live in an area with a huge number of oak trees (by allergy testing this was shown as one of my biggest problems). I was miserable!! So, when I heard about OPC3 I figured I had tried all sorts of possibilities so why not try one more. I took what was the loading dose for me plus a little more for about 3 weeks, then the loading dose for 2 weeks, and gradually dropped it down until I was taking just the one capful a day. Wasn't noting much of anything UNTIL about mid-way through the 4th month I suddenly realized - I could breathe through my nose!!!! What an amazing thing. Do you know how dry and chapped your lips become when you are constantly breathing through your nose? A few years back we had that terrible summer with pollen counts off the scale; I just increased my OPC3 and while everyone else was suffering I was smiling. Anyway, I tell anyone with allergies to give it a fair trial. You know some will and some won't but I know it has been wonderful for me. In fact, for the last two years we open the windows to let fresh air in the house during those beautiful days in the spring and fall. This year, when the electric bill starting climbing, we've been sleeping with the windows open and ceiling fans on many nights and now that it's fall (which has always been the worst time for me) I've gone back to two caps a day. And an additional benefit - I've not had one bad sinus headache during the entire time. OPC3 deserves every single bit of praise it gets!
With best regards,