Friday, December 22, 2006

Scars And Stretch Marks

I didn't have surgery, but a very bad burn that took several layers of my skin off my wrist. Definately drink aloe juice and OPC-3. Put the aloe lotion on the area around the stitches several times a day (3-4x). This should be done in the beginning stages of healing. This should minimize the scarring or leave no scarring at all.
As for the stretch marks.... Pentaxyl will minimize them, fade them, but not take them away.
Judy Bonn



I was in a car accident and had major whiplash. I spent 3 years of my life suffering from a disease call Fibromyalgia. It was very painful, mainly in my neck, shoulders and back along with severe headaches. I was put on all kinds of medications such as muscle relaxers, painkillers and tranquilizers that lead to anti-depressants and Cortisone injections. I was disabled for 2 years, basically over medicated and feeling useless lying on the couch. I realized that the medication was just coving up the real problem. Then I learned about Market America and nutriceuticals….the all-natural approach to good health. I first did a 7-day Nutri-Clean detoxification that cleanses the colon, digestive system and liver. It flushed the toxins out of my body and I immediately could fell a difference. Then I loaded up on 2 caps of OPC3 and 2 caps of Calcium daily, within 3 weeks my pain was 90% gone and I was myself once again. I added 1 cap or ORAC and now I’m 100% better. I still am very careful not to overdo it and I make a conscience effort to eat right. I have not been on any medication for over 2 years. And I feel great!

Sincerely yours,

Carolyn Bartoletti

First a little bit about myself. My name is Cindy Albright from Appleton, Wisconsin. I am 52 years young ( I finally feel that way now). I have Fibromyalgia, degenerative joint disease (usually referred to as osteoarthritis) and a slight emphysema.

Looking back I believe the cause and start of the firbro and D.J.D. was an auto accident that I was in back in April of 1977. I was 7 months pregnant with our son (yes he is fine), when a drunk driver wanting to commit suicide pulled out in front of me. It could have been worse and thankfully everyone survived. I had some lacerations, deep tissue injury and a broken jaw, which required surgery. I made it through these things over some time. The years go by and life hands you little or big roads blocks (stress), you deal the best you can with these things but stress is also a factor for firbromyalgia.

In approximately 1989 I was diagnosed with fibro. I had aches and some pain, but I thought the doctor didn't know what he was talking about because everybody who went to him seemed to be diagnosed with fibro. I dismissed it and took myself off of the amytriptilene (anti-depressent) they put everyone on for this disease. Then in 1998 I was in another auto accident (again lucky to be alive). This left me with large hematomas and deep tissue injury along with three cracked ribs. I didn't seem to recover as well with this accident. The aches and pain persisted with very little relief in between. Shortly after this my left hip started to bother me a lot. If you aren't sure what true joint hip pain is, it is actually in the groin area. I was also bothered by tendonitis in both elbows, bursitis in both hips, neck and back problems. I felt like a human pin cushion. I never got much relief, just more injections and medications.

January 2002 left me pretty well drained. I was still working in a doctor’s office and on my feet all day. It got harder and harder to do. In March of that year I had to quit working due to my health. In October I had my left hip replaced (avoid this at all costs). In April of 2004 we went to Texas to visit our son. (Do not use the restroom and carry anti-bacterial wipes with you on the airplane). I spent most of my time there in a hospital. I had contracted a gastrointestinal bacterial infection called campylobacter jejuni. When your immune system is already compromised this infection hits you like gang busters and also adds to the problems of fibro. I was walking with one cane at this time and now I needed two. I had to crawl up the stairs in my home and was in pain 24/7. I could not sit or stand up from a chair without help. I spent the majority of my days on the sofa in pain. Unfortunately all the medication I was on did not help. In fact I believe it made me worse.

Then in July of 2004 my prayers were answered. Several years ago while still working in the health field I got my insurance license and mortgage license. My name was on a list of loan originators and I received a call from someone who I thought wanted me to sell mortgages for him. I was in so much pain but yet I agreed to talk with him. (In the back of my mind I knew I needed to make some money but I also knew there was no way possible that I could work). He came over to talk with my husband and me. He actually was a Market America Independent distributor. I only misunderstood him because of the pain and drugs I was on. I am so glad I had said I would speak with him. He could see how much pain I was in and told us about OPC-3 and the great results his wife had with her allergies from it. I thought, oh great, more supplements. I thought I had tried everything there was in an attempt to get better. I said I would try it but I knew for sure it wouldn't help. So I would take it just like you are suppose to and when the bottle was empty I would give it back with some smug remark. BUT IT WORKED!!!!

Four and one-half weeks after taking just the OPC-3 I was experiencing great relief. I threw away one cane and then the other. I couldn't believe the results. I was sleeping better, I hardly had any pain, I stopped taking almost all my prescription medication and I knew I was getting my life back. With my doctors help I managed to get off all of my medication.

OPC-3 has drastically changed my life for the better. All my blood tests are within normal range, my last pulmonary function tests found no trace of emphysema, and the degenerative joint disease in my right knee is all but gone.

I do take other Market America supplements that I have added over some time. I suggest for anyone with fibro, arthritis or D.J.D., that they take OPC-3, Calcium Plus, and Glucosatrin to start.

I hope this helps.



When I was 12 years old, I began to have problems when I ate fruit. My mouth and lips would swell and my throat would itch. The same symptoms would occur when I would eat fresh vegetables. While working in our family’s garden weeding or picking vegetables, especially tomatoes, my arms would swell wherever I came in contact with the plants.

I adjusted my life accordingly. I stopped eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Many parts of life, however, could not be adjusted. I grew up on a farm and would suffer greatly from spring to fall. I had problems breathing. My eyes itched constantly, waking up many mornings with my eyes almost swollen shut. The doctor gave me an occasional booster shot but was concerned about stunting my growth.

I survived childhood, but my problems continued. I am highly allergic to animals – cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. -- anything with fur. I carried a powder inhaler with me to open up my bronchial tubes when I was unable to breath, which was often.

When I was 34 years old, I finally visited an allergist. Two minutes after putting the allergens on my back, the nurse wiped it all off. She said my entire back looked like one giant mosquito bite. Out of the 80 some scratch tests, I did NOT react to 3 of them. My allergist stated that I was the worst case he had seen in his 20 years of practice. He prescribed an EPI-pen and told me not to EVER be without it. If I couldn’t breath, I was to inject this EPI-pen into my leg and get to a hospital as soon as possible.

I received allergy shots for 5 years. Many times, I could not handle even the smallest level of allergens injected. My arms would swell from my shoulders to below my elbows. (I received 2 injections in each arm.) After 5 years and no significant improvements, I stopped the injections.

A friend of mine had mentioned OPC-3 to me a number of times. I’m a fairly stubborn person and was convinced, at this point, that nothing would help me. I finally gave in after a year or so and tried OPC-3. After 2 weeks on the loading dose, I realized that I wasn’t experiencing ANY allergy symptoms – and this was in the spring of the year.

I’ve gone through an entire allergy season without any symptoms -- This fall being one of the worst on record. I enjoy golfing but have never been able to get through a round without Claritin or some other medication. This year, I’ve been golfing without any breathing or sneezing problems. I’ve started eating fresh fruits and vegetables again. I can take walks with my husband and son around dusk while neighbors are cutting their lawns. Every day I am amazed at the changes that have occurred because of OPC-3. I will never, ever be without this product again.

Since ORAC was introduced, I take 2 caps of OPC-3 and 2 caps of ORAC each day. The ORAC seems to help me more with respiratory problems while the OPC-3 takes care of everything else.

S. Manley-Graichen

Saw your message asking for a testimony on allergies. It was all OPC3 for me -- a few years back a friend introduced me to the business and the product that doesn't cure anything but helps everything. Yes, I was the skeptic, but I figured that I would give it a try. Prior to that I went through allergy shots (starting out with one, then one 2x/wk, then two different serums 1x/wk - all just to try to figure out a regimen that would benefit me - that went on for almost four years. I finally quit it all and just went on a variety of over-the-counter attempts. For years our home was never open during any season, boxes of tissues in every room, every pocket/every place, along with nasal sprays by the bed, in my purse, upstairs, downstairs, and in my desk drawer all in anticipation of that stuffy nose/mouth-breathing syndrome. On top of everything, we live in an area with a huge number of oak trees (by allergy testing this was shown as one of my biggest problems). I was miserable!! So, when I heard about OPC3 I figured I had tried all sorts of possibilities so why not try one more. I took what was the loading dose for me plus a little more for about 3 weeks, then the loading dose for 2 weeks, and gradually dropped it down until I was taking just the one capful a day. Wasn't noting much of anything UNTIL about mid-way through the 4th month I suddenly realized - I could breathe through my nose!!!! What an amazing thing. Do you know how dry and chapped your lips become when you are constantly breathing through your nose? A few years back we had that terrible summer with pollen counts off the scale; I just increased my OPC3 and while everyone else was suffering I was smiling. Anyway, I tell anyone with allergies to give it a fair trial. You know some will and some won't but I know it has been wonderful for me. In fact, for the last two years we open the windows to let fresh air in the house during those beautiful days in the spring and fall. This year, when the electric bill starting climbing, we've been sleeping with the windows open and ceiling fans on many nights and now that it's fall (which has always been the worst time for me) I've gone back to two caps a day. And an additional benefit - I've not had one bad sinus headache during the entire time. OPC3 deserves every single bit of praise it gets!

With best regards,

My husband had allergies for over 20 yrs. and we use the OPC-3, ORAC, AND VIT C and he has great result no allergies for almost 3 yrs. now we also add B-12.
Hope this will help

Thinning Hair

I had the thinning hair problem. I can't tell you what caused it but once I started B12 it stopped thinning and started filling in again. When I started the B12 I was taking aloe, digestive enzymes and OPC-3 daily. I don't know if it was the B12 or a combination of the products. After the research I've been doing with the products, I do believe my hair started thinning when my digestion problems began. Once I had those under control and added the B12 I started to notice the changes! Hope this helps!


Chronic Ear Infection (Children)

My grandson was born with torticollis and had chronic ear infections. 
It was terrible. He screamed constantly. My daughter and her husband
almost went insane. After numerous trips to the doctor and having his
little system messed up with antibiotics (and antibiotics do NOT cure
ear infections) the doctor suggested acid reflux medication even thought
he probably did not have acid reflux and physical therapy. The
torticollis continued to get worse to the point of his skull becoming
more and more misshaped. I was able to convince my daughter to try
something else. My suggestion: Take the child to a pediatric
Chiropractor AND follow Debbie Waldec's Health Protocol. Continue with
Mitamins, Aloe and OPC-3. My grandson is 2 ½ and has not had any
problems since we began this regimen...when he was 4 months old! Not
even a cold.
Kay Koski

Crohn's Disease

The last few years have been hard for me, health wise, and I feel obligated
to share some incredible products with you that have helped to change our
lives. I have had Crohn's Disease since I was sixteen years old. Crohn's
Disease is a disease that attacks the digestive system of the body and can
infect anywhere from the mouth to the anus. I had been quite lucky with it
until a few years ago when I suffered from complications of the disease
resulting in removal of 32 inches of my small intestine with Laposcoptic
surgery, and the repair of an abscess fistula. It would take me pages to
explain what it has been like for me living with this disease so all I will
say is that my body, especially my rectum, seem to be slowly deteriorating.
There is not much we know on how you get this disease, but it may be
hereditary. My bowel movements are frequent and usually in the form of
diarrhea. I was somewhat of a hermit for fear of leaving my house with my
daughter, being in the car or in the middle of the mall, and having to rush
to a bathroom, which has happened many times.
My pregnancy to Christina was wonderful and there were no complications at
all. In fact, I felt wonderful the entire pregnancy, the best I had felt
since I got this disease. She is very healthy and we thank God for our angel.
It is hard to believe she is almost 18 months old now. Time goes by so
quickly and these moments are so precious.
Anyway, during the pregnancy I found out that I have Hepatitis C. (Christina
has been tested negative for this virus which we again thank God for.) This
virus enters your blood and is mostly transmitted blood to blood. It is rare
for a baby to contract the virus while in delivery, and is rarely transmitted
sexually. (Erik was tested and negative, also.) In 1985, I had to have a
blood transfusion due to my first real attack from the Crohn's Disease. I
must have contracted it then because they did not know about Hepatitis C at
that time. This virus can stay dormant for years without being detected. The
only way to know if you have it is to be tested specifically for Hepatitis C.
This virus can cause cancer and/or cirrhosis of the liver if left untreated.
I did have a liver biopsy and some other liver tests and I have neither at
this time. In October of 1999, I began a six-month to one-year treatment that
has a 20-30% chance of curing the virus. This treatment is called REBETRON
Combination Therapy and has some nasty side effects such as flu-like symptoms
including nausea, excessive fatigue, headaches, depression, body aches,
fever, loss of appetite, mood swings, memory loss, etc. and has affected my
entire family. We thank God for our wonderful family and friends that have
been extra supportive and helpful.
In May of 1999, I was introduced to a product by a couple I met that go to
the same church as we do, called Isotonix OPC-3. I started taking it right
away along with the Isotonix vitamins. After the first month, I did not think
I noticed a difference until I stopped taking the OPC-3 and vitamins. After a
week or so, I started to feel fatigued all the time, which I had felt since
the birth of Christina and before the pregnancy, so I decided to start taking
both again. Within a few days, I noticed that I had more energy and within
the next six weeks, I really started to feel good most of the time. I had
even gained some weight. People were actually telling me how good I was
looking. I was also taking Ultimate Aloe for less than a month before
starting my treatment. I am now drinking Ultimate Aloe. About two weeks after
ending my Hepatitis C treatment, my bowel movements went from anywhere from
4-12 daily to 2 daily.
The Hepatitis C no longer showed up in my system after the first three months
of treatment. I did experience some of the side effects listed above,
especially fatigue, due to the medication since October. I believe with all
my heart that if I was not taking the Isotonix OPC-3 and Isotonix vitamins
that my symptoms would have been more severe than they were from other people
I have talked with. Since completing my treatment, I feel absolutely
incredible and everyone keeps telling me how wonderful I look. Thank God for
Market America and their wonderful products.
If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to talk, please contact
me. We wish you much happiness and good health.

Best Wishes

Chronic Fatigue

While I wasn't diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia, meaning I was tired all the time, but they didn't know why. For many years, I would sleep every chance I got, in the parking lot in my car after lunch, in an office during lunch, getting my hair cut, having my teeth cleaned, even driving, which was the worst.
My family doctor told me - after years of problems - that I was probably just a 10 hour a night sleeper who only got 8 hours. I finally visited a sleep doctor. I was wired up for an overnight test. I was in REM sleep for 95% of the time, so getting good sleep at night. The next day, they kept me wired up and turned off the lights every 2 hours and told me to try to sleep. Within minutes, I was asleep each time. I told the doctor that I had very poor eating habits and didn't take supplements. She told me it wasn't nutrition related, I was just tired all the time and they didn't know why. She prescribed Provigil, which is a medication for Narcalepsy. It worked great! I couldn't believe that was how awake and aware I was supposed to feel.
Then, along came Market America. I started taking OPC-3. After a few weeks, the Provigil started giving me headaches when I would take it, so I quit taking it. I could physically stay awake during the day, which was better than before OPC-3, but I was still very tired. I added CoQ10 to the mix and felt 100% better. I also had the Gene SNP done and found out that I have a B Vitamin Deficiency, which may explain some of the problems, but I don't take the Gene SNP supplements, so I'm sure it is the CoQ10 that is helping. Also, I have a nice big mug of MochaTonix everyday and notice when I haven't had it yet.
I hope this helps.

Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, and Narcolepsy

I will tell you of my experience so far. I have been diagnosed for sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Restless legs syndrome, as well as ADD and Insomnia. According to the Drs., they believe there are other problems that exist also, but suffice it to say these are the truly diagnosed problems they believe I have. Two years ago I went on long term sick leave with my company, due to the fact I was falling asleep on the job. Being a person who works on the phones 8 hours a day, this was hazardous to keeping my job secure, so I chose to get more help. I had already been diagnosed previously with narcolepsy and was taking up to that time 90 mg of Ritalin a day. The Ritalin was working quite well for a number of years until 2004. As the dosage kept going up my bodies response went down. That is when I began to fall asleep at my job. I was also concerned as to whether I could continue to drive to work successfully without an accident.
With that background I will tell you that I was referred to Stanford University in Central California for treatment and surgery if warranted. In my case, and I stress that very strongly because many other people have had successful operations from this Dr. He has done very well in this area, so we went to him for help. After approximately 5 surgeries and 3 tongue reduction procedures, I have yet to go back to work, or feel any better after having these operations performed. I do not receive any better results from my C-pap machine either.
I tell you these things because of your inquiry, not to keep you from surgery. It could possibly be the answer for you. You should know however that some of the surgeries can change the configuration of your face as well as how your teeth line up after surgery. I have found the teeth problem to be the most irritating. The fact that the surgeries were not successful didn't help either.
You may ask...How does this affect family life? Well, in my case it has really taken a spin..Thank Heavens we have companies like Market America that are trying to help in as many circumstances as possible to help people in our situation.
A few products that have been helpful are: 1.) Mutitech vitamins help me keep up on the daily RDA's, 2.) Mochatonics 3.) Awake, 4.) weight control is a must also, so if that is an issue the Transitions can help with that. As far as a solution, all I can offer is that somewhere in between using Market America products and following Drs. who are familiar with our products seem to be the best result. If that includes surgery by all means do it! I hope this helps you before you take this leap that can be a help or detriment depending on how things go.
Kevin Lister

Lou Gehrig's Disease

Amyelotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), aka Lou Gehrig's disease

Amyelotrophic lateral sclerosis (or Lou Gehrig's disease, a motor neuron disease) appears to have an autoimmune component associated with it. Whenever the immune system is involved (particularly the phagocytic cells such as macrophages and granulocytes), there are usually oxygen radicals being produced at the affected site. In order to protect the nervous system from oxidative damage, you need to be able to get antioxidants across the extensive membranes of nerve cells into the cytoplasm or have the antioxidants dissolve into the lipid bilayer; that is, some antioxidants (vitamin C, proanthocyanidins) are particularly water soluble while others (vitamin E, beta-carotene [vitamin A
> precursor], co-enzyme Q10) are fat soluble. Since proanthocyanidins can cross the blood-brain barrier, we can surmise that they have at least some lipophilic properties.

Vitamin C is a difficult molecule to get to diffuse across the barrier; however, recent studies have shown that an oxidized metabolite of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) called dehydroascorbic acid can penetrate the blood-brain barrier in significant concentrations. Dehydroascorbate is derived during the oxidation of normal vitamin C, so the only way I see to achieve elevated blood concentrations of dehydroascorbate is to take large, but safe, doses of vitamin C (500-1000 mg/day).

Once in the nerve cell, the regenerated (reduced) vitamin C molecule can help to maintain the vitamin E in an unoxidized state in the membranes. The nerve cells have extensive membranes that wrap around the cell body numerous times, so it is beneficial to keep plenty of vitamin E dissolved in the membranes. It is thought that co-enzyme Q10 can help vitamin E insert itself into the cell membranes, and of course co-enzyme Q10 is a critical constituent of mitochondrial membranes and helps to shuttle electrons for energy production. Like vitamin E, it too should help protect against lipid
peroxidation. I hope this discussion helps.

I have a cousin with ALS (Lou Gerighs) . When he first found out he has this disease, he went up in Va., to what he thought was an herb and vitamin specialists (only to find out he was going to a quack.) She put him on something like 50 pills daily at a cost of like $1000.00 a month.

When I got in the MA business, I went to him and showed him our line and I told him "Gary, I would like for you to try our vitamins and explained the delivery system and I told him,"you know and I know there is no cure for this disease, but I look up daily this disease, and if I do my part to help, you could do your part and at least try, all I can offer you is hope.

I started him off on OPC-3 and after the first 3 days they were so excited how easy his bowels moved on their own. (His wife had been giving him suppositories plus having to dig his bowels out, She said things we just take for granite in life like bm's they get excited about.) I know this may sound awful to some of you, but my whole point is we really take our health for granite sometimes till we lose it, but this precious cousin of mine is really trying.

He has no income, so my husband and I furnish him monthly with OPC-3, Isochrome, B12, Aloe juice, vitamin c, and Antioxin. It gets expensive, but I do have a dear friend that gives him a bottle once in a while, but if I can continue to give him some hope and maybe keep him in remission, then that is a lot to be thankful for. He said "I know it's by the grace of God that I'm still here, and he is so thankful that ALS is also a kind disease,that there is no pain with it. He is tube fed, because he can't swallow well anymore, so Dr. Wilmer told us to mix these up and let them sit till the foam goes down (so no gas gets in him) then pour in tube.

He lives on 6 cans of Ensure a day plus Isotonix Vitamins and if you walked in the room and seen him, you'd never know he was sick, he looks like a picture of health. This disease robs the body of so much and as long as it's been around, a cure should have already been found, but we can certainly hope and pray for a miracle one day. Whenever he is about to run out of vitamins , he lets me know he needs more. At least he still has HOPE ! He knows he will be looked after till God is ready for him and I certainly will keep on doing my part as long as I'm able also.
May God Bless all the people who have this disease and hope in some way our vitamins play a part in helping. Karen Allred Lex.,NC

Where Can I Find Good Health Products?

Most of the products that you read about in these testimonials can be found at Not only are these some of the best health products in the world, but they are also very competitive in price.


My younger brother has severe asthma and was on a nebulizer (sp?) getting 5-6 treatments a day. Within 4 months he was weaned completely off of it. He also used to be in the hospital like clockwork every year in October from a severe attack. We almost lost him a few times. He has not had one attack of that kind since he started on OPC, Multi Vitamin and Isochrome almost 4 years ago. Isochrome he takes for reasons other than asthma as he diabetes too.

And the chilling part is about a year ago, Colin had a bad episode and my mom couldn’t find any of his medication – that being her first reaction – she decided to give the OPC a try and within minutes his breathing was underway and he was OK. No trip to the emergency room.

He had been consistently taking OPC-3 – 2 caps every morning and one at night but in the middle of the day on some days if pollen is high or whatever, he can feel congested. She started him recently on the Aloe too to drink in the midday.

He is doing great and is med- free and has lost 60+ pounds too!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Woman Says Natural Supplement Ended 30 Years of Pain

Studies show nearly half of you don't think natural supplements are worth buying. The Food and Drug Administration doesn't even regulate them. But a Southern Tier woman who could barely walk because of intense knee pain decided to give supplements a try. The woman says she's now pain-free for the first time in 30 years.

"I was in so much pain, took so many drugs, (and) I'd get up in the morning, take a shower, and fall asleep drinking my coffee," said Belva Felker, 49, of Corning. Felker has lupus. That means for 30 years, her immune system's been attacking her body's tissues. The disease has nearly destroyed her joints and has caused extreme fatigue. "I was on 13 different drugs for lupus."

Today, she's on none. Instead, she's taking a natural antioxidant supplement called Isotonix OPC-3. It's supposed to improve your circulation and fix your cells that oxygen has damaged.

Felker says she never knew what a "leisurely" stroll was because she was in so much pain. But she says only 3 days after taking the antioxidant, she noticed a big difference. "I noticed right away I could walk up the steps, you know, normally."

Debra Coggins is a wellness consultant who sells the product. She says the supplement brought back a kind of fluid to Flecker's knee. "(It's) kind of like greasing a joint on the axle or something... It reduced the inflammation and it got all the blood flowing properly."

Coggins says there are no risks or negative side effects. The powdery antioxidant is made up all natural stuff - like pine bark, and wine and grape-seed extracts. "It's the most powerful antioxidant in the world," Coggins claimed.

Felker wasn't always convinced a supplement could work. "I'm very skeptical." So when her pain started going away, "I thought it's probably something else. So I quit taking the product, then the pain came back."

Doctors say natural supplements won't cure you or prevent a disease. But Flecker's sold on it."I do not take any prescription drugs at the moment."

It won't hurt to ask your doctor before taking supplements. They're not known to react with medications, but doctors prefer that you check in with them first.

You don't have to feel sick or have a disease to take supplements. In fact, many healthy people take them to make sure they're getting all the nutrients they need. Supplements can also supply amounts of nutrients larger than the diet can provide. Larger amounts of some nutrients may help to protect against future disease.

So what can you get from a supplement? A group of experts in Sacramento, California - who are trained in both conventional and alternative medicines - have come up with a "Top 10 List:"

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: they're important for healthy heart, nerves, blood vessels, skin and hair-and they reduce inflammation anywhere in the body.

2. Ginkgo biloba: It's one of the world's most popular herbal products. Known as the "smart herb," ginkgo enhances blood circulation and increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, brain and other body parts.

3. Saw palmetto: This one's mostly for men who have to urinate a bunch of times at night or who notice that their "flow" is weaker than it used to be.

4. Black cohosh: Ladies, it's your turn. This can alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.

5. St. John's wort/Tryptophan: May treat mild to moderate depression.

6. Echinacea: Known for its ability to boost the immune system; strong ally during cold and flu season.

7. Glucosamine sulfate: Commonly used by osteoarthritis sufferers seeking pain relief; better tolerated than anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

8. Coenzyme Q10: A powerful antioxidant that helps to maintain a healthy heart and healthy cholesterol levels and boosts cellular energy.

9. Feverfew: Migraine sufferers may find relief from this herb.

10. Garlic: It's one of the most health-promoting of all the herbs; it's used to kill bacteria and viruses, boosting the immune system, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, treating fungal infections, and aiding circulation and digestion.

Celiac Disease

My husband suffers from this problem.  He tends to go through cycles of
avoiding wheat (his biggest grain problem) and then eating it again.
His celiac manifests not only in digestive problems, but in depression
For him Aloe and digestive enz are great when he is eatting wheat and
being bothered digestively. When he stops eating wheat again we always
do a NutriClean cleanse, which makes him feel so much better in just a
week. For the depression I cannot usually get him to take many of our
products; Multi-tech, B-12 complex and Omegas have been extremely
helpful. But the main thing is to avoid the grains that set it off.

Celiac in relation to grains is like a diabetic with sugar. Although
our products help to control symtoms and problems, the real solution is
through diet. If you need some help with alternatives that support the
diet let me know.

Laura Hulleman
ATG 1941

Multiple Sclerosis

My name is Darlene Sweigard - age 51. In 1990, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. At that time, my balance was very poor, and I seemed to be tripping and falling a lot. I was also extremely fatigued to the point of exhaustion. My symptoms gradually progressed, and it became obvious that something was very wrong. I could not stand nor walk without assistance.

Ten years prior to 1990, I had had similar symptoms and was admitted to the hospital where a spinal tap was done. MRI technology was not yet available. The diagnosis given me was that perhaps an unnamed virus had invaded the fluid in my brain and was affecting the nerve endings, resulting in the symptoms I had been experiencing. After many days of constant sleep, I gradually improved and returned to work.

My job was in Human Resources at a large corporate company where I had been working since 1973. The job was extremely stressful. It was my responsibility to take care of approximately nine hundred to twelve hundred employees. I was involved in all hiring, benefit concerns, disciplinary actions, employee relations, management relations, etc. I was unable to work longer than a few months before another exacerbated flare-up would begin.

In 1992, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which involved surgery and six months of chemotherapy. I once again returned to work only to last for two or three months. Over the next four or five years, many MS flare-ups took place. Some of my symptoms were: slurred speech, dropped foot, numbness, needle-feeling, loss of handwriting ability, bladder problems, loss of flexibility/mobility, and some blurriness in vision. In approximately eight months to a year, I was in a wheelchair, then upgraded to a walker, then a cane.

Sometime in 1997, my doctor told me that if I ever wanted to have good quality of life, I would have to stop working. This was devastating to me since I was a very career oriented person. I had always been very involved in music at my church, and was, in fact our music director. Due to my debilitating symptoms I had to give that up. I knew that it was only a matter of time until I had to give up my job, as well. I have never been bitter

about my illness and have always known that God had a reason for choosing me to have MS - if only to make me a bigger person and perhaps to help inspire someone else who is suffering the same illness.

In 1998, I did stop working and over the next one to two years improved so that I used my cane only occasionally. My legs were still very stiff from spasticity and my balance was still very bad. At that time, I was taking approximately twelve to fourteen different prescription drugs, including Betaseron injections (approved by the FDA in 1995). In May of 2000, I attended a "ladies-night-out" at our local YMCA. It was there that I was introduced to the Health & Nutrition products of Market America. I was told about

OPC-3 and the other products also in the Isotonic formulation. Within a week or so, I started taking three capfuls of OPC-3 on a daily basis. Two weeks later, I learned, through reading and research, that Co-Enzyme Q-10 was especially important for MS sufferers. So, in addition to the OPC-3, I started taking one capful of Co-Enzyme Q-10 and one capful of B-12, which, I knew, would benefit my weakened energy level.

When my husband began to see a difference in my balance, flexibility, and mobility, I knew that I wanted to know more about Market America. One day I ventured up into our attic on my own, and my husband was amazed. I knew I felt better, but it was difficult to verbalize. Then one day, I took a very deep breath and felt as though I had filled up with oxygen from head to toe. That was such a good feeling. I felt in control, and I wasn't swaying the way I had been the night I was introduced to Market America by Suzanne Jones and Tony Edwards. They told me later that they had been concerned that night that I might fall because I had been swaying so badly.

In June of 2000, my husband, John, and I became Independent Distributors of Market America products and began our own UnFranchise business partnered with Market America. I continued taking three caps of OPC-3. Had I known then what I know now, I probably would have started with at least five or six caps daily - perhaps three in the a.m. and three in the p.m. prior to the evening meal. This would have been an effort to saturate my system to more quickly flush out the toxin buildup and promote a quicker response towards seeing improvement. I continued with one cap CO Q-10, one cap B-12, one cap vitamin C, and one cap Multi Tech - all products of Market America in Isotonic form. After further research, I learned that calcium was very good for muscles, and started taking three caps of calcium per day. About that time was when I started weaning myself off of my oral prescription drugs. My doctor said only - "Whatever you are doing, just keep doing it, and don't stop because you are the strongest I have ever seen you." Since adding calcium, the stiffness and cramping in my legs was eliminated after about 6 weeks. In addition, I am taking one cap Mineral Blast and Digestive Enzymes also in Isotonic form. I feel the best and the healthiest I have ever felt - since even before being diagnosed with MS.

During these years, I also had acid reflux and was taking two Prilosec a day. The doctor I
was seeing for the reflux told me that I had developed a grandaloma on my esophagus. The acid had actually burned a hole in my throat. When I heard that Prilosec could damage my liver, I began taking the Ultimate Aloe drink (Apple/Cranberry flavor) three to six ounces a day. In a few weeks, my reflux problem was taken care of.

Since that time, many blessings have come my way - the biggest one being that I now know that my purpose in having MS is being fulfilled through the vehicle of these great nutritional products to be shared with others whose paths I cross. When a person has been robbed of her health and independence, she quickly knows how to appreciate and recognize that life is short and, most of all, every second of it is very precious. So I salute Market America and these great products, and thank them for my newfound quality of life - my physical independence - and for the opportunity to pass on to others the hope for better optimal health and prosperity through products that do what my friends at Market America say they will do.


My husband Mike had shingles - is just getting over it in fact. He took extra OPC and Aloe - 5 or 6 doses a day of each (plus everything else he usually takes). He only felt sick for a couple of days and had very little pain (I understand shingles is very painful), and now - about 3 weeks later is just fine.

He felt so well, in fact, that I had to keep reminding him that he was contagious so he wouldn't spread the virus around. He had one HUGE spot on his neck - about 1" diameter where several blisters merged to make one big pock - then it made one big scab. When the scab fell off, the hole looked terrible - still about 3/4" diameter and about 1/4" deep. He started putting Triple Serum on it several times a day - for the last week or so - and the scar is getting smaller every day. It is only about 1/4" diameter now. He did - however - give the chickenpox to our 14-year-old son :-( Now we're doing the same regimen with him.

Gail Weekly, Roseburg, Oregon


I experienced the 'singles' in Feb about the same time as David Letterman. He was away from the show for a month or more. I was taking 1 dose of OPC-3, Calcium, & Multi-tech prior to the bout with 'shingles'. When

I realized (over a week-end) what I was involved with, I immediately upped my OPC-3 to 6 doses & doubled the others. When the Dr saw me, she said a classic case, prescribed an antibiotic & pain reliever. I did take

the antibiotic for the 1 week. At 2 weeks the 'shingles' were nearly gone. And I thank M/A products for that! Dennis did share my testimony on ATG in the spring. Carol Holliday

Pet Health

I have been a dog groomer for 37 years. I have a tremendous amount of knowledge about dog and cat’s coats and their overall health. When I was first told about Pet Health, I looked at it like other products I have heard about that were supposed to be phenomenal for pet’s health. I had a very skeptic attitude, as I had never seen a product do what it said it would do.

One of my customers’ called me up and told me she had just left the vet’s office, and he told her that her dog had 3 weeks to live. She had a 19-year old Norwegian Elkhound. She said she wanted to get the dog cleaned up before she died. When she brought her in the dog was down in her hips. She was extremely thin. Her face had already started sinking in which is what they do before they die. She could barely hold herself upright let alone walk without help.

When the woman came to pick her up I said I’ve heard good things about this product. I do not know, but it is worth a shot. So she bought it since it was only $23 with tax included [90 servings]. She called me 4 days later. The dog had put weight on, had an alertness in her eyes and was attempting to run which she had not done in 5 years. She regained her weight, her face filled out, her eyesight improved and she enjoyed another almost 8 months of life due solely to the Pet Health. Her kidneys finally failed and she died two weeks ago.

Since that time, I have put all of the elderly and sick dogs that are my customers on this product. Without fail, they have all improved in their health, their physical appearance and their general energy level. They play much more, exercise a lot and are much happier dogs. The side effect of this product is that it stops shedding. I was extremely impressed with this as there are a lot of other products out there that claim to stop shedding but I have never seen one that would help with excessive shedding. All dogs will all do their spring and fall shed as this is normal for the health and well being of the dog, but it gets over with in much less time.

Another customer has a Brussels Griffon who needed five surgeries to correct all her problems. She has a slipped disc in her back, bad stifle joints and her ball joints do not seat properly in her hips. After the first week we noticed a remarkable difference. We doubled the dose of Pet Health and within four days the dog was able to support her own weight walking and running and she can now jump up on the side of a chair and support herself without falling, which she has never, in her whole life been able to do.

Also, a Golden Retriever had lost all her hair and had open oozing sores that covered her entire body. She was on prednisone shots once every two weeks to control her allergies. As we all know, prednisone destroys the liver. She had marked improvement after two weeks on the Pet Health at the regular dosage. Within one month had re-grown her hair and all sores were gone. She has not had a single shot of prednisone since she has been on Pet Health.

These are my three most extreme cases.

I would recommend Pet Health for any dog from the age of 6 weeks to extremely old. It is going to help the dog’s health and well being and extend their life.

I’ve seen it help with eye problems, ear problems, teeth, swelling and inflammation in the feet and all allergies. Be aware that sometimes you must double or even triple the dose if your dog has health problems.


I personally have 5 small rescued dogs. One of them was very sick when I first got her and the vet wanted to put her down. I changed her diet and included the Pet Health and she is now my healthiest dog! All the dogs love the OPC3 for pets and they lick the stuff off the top so I have to mix it in very good. Their coats are shiny and healthy and they are all older dogs and there is no stiffness going on and they run and play like pups. They were not nearly this active before Pet Health.


We started regular daily use of Pet Health after he finished his meds 1 week after surgery. After slowly going from cage to room to house – we were ready to let him out again after 6 weeks. He had great mobility and strength. We took him to the vet for their evaluation. They were truly amazed at his strength and mobility as well. She still did not want us to let him out - but if you knew Gustavo – you can’t keep him in. So – we let him back out to rule the neighborhood. That was last October 05! He has been amazing ever since – no limping – still dominates all other cats/wildlife etc. We have kept him on a ½ scoop of Pet Health ever since!!!!

Brenda Wood


My elderly neighbor struggled through one winter with a cat that suffered from horrible congestion, coughing, wheezing and sneezing. I internet researched for him and thought it to be herpes virus. The vets treated the cat with several different antibiotics at expense of about
$700-800 and with great difficulty putting meds down its throat. It was such a hassle and so expensive he thought he'd have to put the cat to sleep, though he hated to.

The next winter approached and the man's daughter had been using our aloe, so she asked me if the cat might benefit from aloe too. I didn't know if a cat would willingly drink it, but suggested the Pet OPC and gave them a small amount to sample. When I saw her again 2 weeks later, she was so impressed that she not only bought the PetHealth, but a couple bottles of OPC for herself. Needless to say the cat sailed through the winter with never a problem and all for $23. That's my favorite story about OPC! Ruth Jacoby Wisconsin


Six months ago one of my customers brought her Elkhound in for a grooming. She has cancer and was not far from dying. The vet said three weeks. We put her on Pet Health double dose. That was six months ago. In five days she was up and trying to run around. She would lose control of her back legs and fall, but she kept working at it. She has put on weight and her eyes have lost that glassy look. I just saw her yesterday and she is looking perky. I have been grooming dogs for 36 years, so I have a little knowledge in this area.

My neighbors have a 13 year old teacup poodle - Jacques. This little guy weighs 7lbs. ( he is overweight!) Jacques has emphysema. His original owner smoked constantly and of course this little guy inhaled it all. Well, one year ago they had to carry him up and down the stairs everytime he went out. He takes a heart pill and a water pill twice a day. I convinced them to give him Pet Health. Well, you would never believe this little guy now. First, he loves the taste. He now runs up and down the stairs, and runs and plays like a puppy. People are floored when you tell them this little guy is 13. He still has to take his pills, but Jacques is going to die of old age in his sleep and from nothing else. His vet and his groomer cannot get over the difference in this loveable guy. I just wish every pet owner would give Pet Health to their animals.

My dog was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease in August, 2005. He was limping all the time and lethargic. I put him on OPC3 for pets. He doesn't limp anymore and has so dang much energy! Judith Savarese New Jersey ......................................

One of my friends has a kitty that went into renal failure .My friend took her cat to the vet who basically said "Well, we can make her comfortable and then when it gets too bad we can put her out of her pain. I gave my friend a jar of pet health and said "try it". To make a long story short, kitty loves Pet Health and is running around today acting and looking like a very health kitty. Daria Mainetti DDM Solutions

I had a 13 yr old mixed Australian Shepherd mix. He had tumors growing on his eyes. He was also very slow to move and getting less and less playful. His eyes were also cloudy. I started him on the Pet Health and six weeks later his tumors reduced substantially and his eyes were clear. His energy level and playfulness had picked up quite a bit. He is now 14 and still with us although I know his time may be limited due to his age. I know this product has given him number of months that have been a lot less pain free. He also continues to go on our 3 mile walks. David


A word on diabetics - TRANSITIONS!!!!! My husband, 38 yrs. Old was diagnosed with type II diabetes - as we all know by now is lifestyle induced primarily. After 8 weeks on transitions he lost 25 lbs and was able to completely stop taking his meds for his blood sugar. He consulted his physician and checked his sugar all day long several times while his body was adjusting to a healthier state. When he felt his levels were dipping - he did not dip into the sugar to bring it back up - he just ate real food. He took the Carb Absorber and Fat Conversion Inhibitor. He also was on high blood pressure meds and was able to eliminate those as well. He still monitors his sugar on a regular basis even after a year from sticking to 8 weeks of Low Glycemic Eating - now he mixes low, mod, high and is still able to maintain. Now he only takes the isotonix and is well on his way to maintaining optimal health.
HUGE ADVICE - The Transitions System is the best way to naturally restore blood glucose levels the best you can before fixing it with meds or supplements - Once you restore the best you can, then you have a better idea where your body needs help!
Brenda Wood


*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

My name is Karen Johnson and I want to tell you how the Market America nutritional products have helped me in my battle with breast cancer. On July 1, 1997 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My surgeon found a ductal carcinoma with lymph nodes involved. My cancer was aggressive so we chose an aggressive postoperative plan. This included twelve chemotherapy treatments and 25 radiation sessions. Before starting treatments I learned that I should be taking nutritional supplements, including vitamins A, E, and C, selenium and COQ-10. With over-the-counter supplements I was taking close to 20 tablets each day. I was holding my own for the first few treatments but not feeling energetic at all and sleeping a lot. I put Rip van Winkle to shame! Chemotherapy has a cumulative effect on the body, so it took longer to bounce back from each treatment. A friend called me to ask how I was doing since he had seen my name on our church prayer list. We talked about my treatments and the vitamins and minerals I was taking. He told me about isotonic forms of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have helped other people. And I am so glad that we had that talk! I asked my doctor about taking the Market America Isotonix supplement products. He said that these products wouldn¹t hurt me but made no comment about how they might help me. I began taking large doses of OPC3, Isochrome (which contains COQ-10) to protect the heart, MultiTech Vitamin, Vitamin B12 Complex and Vitamin C - which I put in my sports bottle. I also drank the Aloe Vera Juice and took the Oxygen Plus capsules. Aloe Vera helped my healing process and Oxygen Plus contributed to antioxidant buildup. It helped free my system of the toxins which chemotherapy produces. I was in a battle and I finally felt that I was giving my body the nutrients and anti-oxidants needed to help me win. Chemotherapy is designed to kill cancer cells. At the same time it kills healthy cells. We need to stimulate healthy cell growth and detoxify harmful waste. Now when your appetite is off, it is difficult to get this nutrition from food. Even on a good day I can¹t eat that much broccoli and fish! So it¹s important to add supplements in a form that is quickly absorbed by the body. I knew I was doing the right thing nutritionally. I noticed a gradual increase in energy. I asked my husband what he thought. He saw me in comparison to others undergoing chemotherapy. I seemed to bounce in, get the treatment and then bounce out as though going in for a flu shot rather than a chemotherapy treatment. Although I did rest a lot, I could rally to a full day of activity when necessary such as shopping or going on a holiday. He told me to keep on doing what I was doing because it was working. After chemotherapy I underwent 25 radiation treatments. The chemotherapy intensified the radiation burns. In fact some areas were second degree burns. During treatment the clinic provided a gel to be applied to the burn area during the weekdays. But on the weekends I used the Ultimate Aloe Gel with Emu Oil for deeper penetration and Allantoin to promote healing and skin rejuvenation. I was still drinking Aloe Vera juice plus taking the nutrients. I was healing from the inside and healing from the outside. Three weeks after my last radiation treatment the doctor examined my skin. He said I must be a quick healer because my skin had healed in three weeks like he would expect after three months. I knew my recovery was due to a combination of things but most of all it was from giving my system the tools it needed to repair damage. I continue to take large doses of Isotonics, Ultimate Aloe Vera juice and Oxygen Plus to build my immune system. I am not able to take drugs such as tamoxafin, which might prevent recurrence. I have been asked if I have a plan, since there are no drugs available for my situation. I have a powerful plan. It includes loving each day God gives me, balancing my diet, and building my system through Isotonix, Aloe and Oxygen Plus. I feel great. I have the energy to enjoy life. And I feel confident that my plan is the right one.

I would just like to tell you my experience with OPC-3.

In February, 1998, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, it was non-invasive and was microscopic in size. It was removed in total and it was decided my treatment would be very close follow-up. My oncologist and surgeon were both in agreement that radiation would not be necessary at this time. I have been taking Tamoxifen to reduce the risk of recurrence. At the time of the diagnosis, I had been on estrogen replacement therapy. I was immediately taken off estrogen replacement therapy and shortly thereafter I started getting hot flashes...very debilitating hot flashes. It changed my whole lifestyle, believe it or not. I suffered for many months, until our friends Monty and Michelle mentioned OPC-3. In learning more about it, I was told it was very good for cancer patients, as it killed free radicals that everyone has in their bodies. It is the free radicals that cause numerous problems and diseases, including cancer. So, I thought I would try it as another preventive measure to reduce my chances of recurrence of cancer. No one mentioned it would help hot flashes, and I didn't see it in any brochure that was published at that time.

I started taking it and within 2 weeks, I noticed an amazing reduction of my hot flashes. They significantly decreased in frequency and severity. I couldn't believe it. Up until then, I was getting them almost every 15 - 20 minutes and so severe I felt I couldn't even breathe. I had a ceiling fan over our bed and a 24" fan next to the bed blowing on me all night. My husband was freezing even though he was wearing flannel pajamas, was covered with a sheet, a blanket and a comforter, and I was roasting. But after taking the OPC-3 I didn't need the fans and I could function like I used to. It was like a miracle. My husband is very grateful.

I also have Reynaud's Phenomenon, which is the blood vessels and capillary's in my fingers would go into spasms when my hands got cold....from washing vegetables and walking down the refrigerated and freezer section in the grocery store to going outside in the winter. At the beginning, when I saw my doctor about it, he said there was nothing that could be done, other than keeping my hands warm. I have had it for about 15 years and it has gotten progressively worse. All eight of my fingers would get white, and so cold they were numb because there was no blood flow. When my fingers started warming up, they would hurt and tingle. I have just noticed, there is a marked reduction in the numbness and when my fingers get cold, all of my fingers are no longer affected. They may get a little colder than other people's, but the severity has diminished significantly. I didn't know OPC-3 would help this problem. I haven't seen it mentioned in the brochures. Maybe I am the first one to notice it. OPC-3 never ceases to amaze me. I'm a believer and will take it forever. Who knows what problems it is preventing from even getting started.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My husband thanks you too!!

Ellen Pope
I have a customer that had Cancer the Chemo made him go into Kidney failure.His eyes and skin was yellow. The doctor said he had to start Dialysis and would be put on the transplant waiteing list. He started takeing 8 capfulls of opc-3 and within 3 days he was feeling better. The whites of his eyes were white again within 3 days it took about 2 weeks for his skin to look ok. When he had his 4 month checkup his blood work was real good. The Doctor can't beleive how good he is doing.

Velma Short
Vitamins Show Promise In Improving Cancer Treatment
February 24, 1999 (NYT Syndicate)

-- While the role of antioxidants in preventing disease has received much attention, some researchers think the vitamins may also improve cancer treatment. Giving cancer patients high doses of beta-carotene and vitamins C and E may protect their healthy cells from the onslaught of tumor-killing treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, say Denver researchers. Further, they contend, the antioxidants may bolster the effectiveness of standard cancer therapy.

No studies on humans back up these ideas, but in animal studies and experiments on cancer cells, antioxidants have shown promise, according to a report in the current issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Kedar N. Prasad, lead author of the report, said more definitive data will come from a current trial of the effects of antioxidant treatment on cancer patients. Already, though, Prasad and his colleagues at the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center believe antioxidants may become an important cancer weapon.

Antioxidants have been studied as disease fighters because they prevent cell damage from oxygen molecules known as free radicals, which are produced during normal metabolism. One recent study suggested that an antioxidant found in tomatoes might explain the link between tomato consumption and lowered risk for some cancers.

In their experiments, Prasad and colleagues found that high doses of multiple antioxidants can not only protect normal cells during cancer treatment, but can also help fight back tumors. Together with diet and lifestyle changes, antioxidants may improve standard cancer therapy, they reported.

Another antioxidant researcher, however, thinks Prasad's team is jumping the gun. While the new report is "exciting and provocative," it really only forms the base for further research, said Jeffrey Blumberg, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Boston.

"I think antioxidants are terrific," Blumberg said, noting that there is "compelling" data on antioxidants' benefits for the heart and eyes.
Evidence of the vitamins' link to cancer prevention is not as strong, he added.

According to Prasad, antioxidants have garnered little enthusiasm among oncologists partly because they worry that the vitamins might actually protect cancer cells from free radicals generated during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

"But," said Prasad, "these vitamins are very selective." Normal cells, he explained, are programmed to pick up a maximum level of the vitamins and nothing more, which protects them from an antioxidant overdose. Cancer cells, however, accumulate the vitamin to levels that may be high enough to stunt their growth or even kill them, according to Prasad.

Based on their experiments, as well as their observations of some cancer patients receiving antioxidants, Prasad's team recommends that cancer treatment include doses of vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene.

But making cancer-treatment recommendations at this point constitutes a big leap, according to Blumberg. Experiments on cell cultures, he said, aren't enough to provide a "rational scientific basis" for such recommendations.

Still, the Colorado team's results show antioxidants may have a role beyond just the prevention of disease, Blumberg said. Clinical trials, he added, should explore the possibility.

Journal of the American College of Nutrition (1999;18:13-25)

Copyright 1999 The New York Times Syndicate. All rights reserved.



On the subject of Attention Deficit Disorder, two of my children have this problem. My adult daughter has always complained about feeling detached and like she has a lot of difficulty staying focused on what people are saying – also remembering things. When she started taking OPC-3, she was amazed. She says that the cloud lifted from her brain and she felt like she could think clearly for the first time. My son, who is now 14 years old, has always had learning problems, difficulty paying attention, difficulty following directions, lost his temper very easily, and while he isn’t a classic hyperactive type, he does have some unusual behavior patterns. When we found out that OPC-3 could help with this, we immediately had him start taking it. Before OPC-3, he had made little progress in his school work for the entire year before, and we weren’t sure what to do with him. In the year after he started taking OPC-3, he advanced five grade levels in his reading skills, and two grade levels in math. He says that OPC-3 helps him think, and concentration is much easier. He also calmed down some and is in much better control of the rages that he used to have. Another nice little side benefit; he used to get every virus that came along – it seemed that he was always sick. As soon as he started on OPC-3, he was the healthiest one in the house, and with six children, that’s saying a lot.

Gail Weekly

Roseburg, OR

We have a son that was taking 20 mg of Ritalin a day, and that was barely getting him through the day. We took him off Ritalin all together and he takes 2 capfuls of OPC-3 in the morning, about 15 minutes before he eats, and that gets him through the whole school day. There really is no set dose that will work on everyone, they all seem to react just a little differently. You will have to try a dosage and see how it works. We tried it on a non-school day so we could see his behavior, and we got it on the first shot.

Charles and Denise

My son was diagnosed with ADD in 6th grade. He was put on Ritalin and had been on it for almost a year. He too started having the Ritalin side effects after about 8 months on meds, including mood swings when the meds wore off. A friend told me about OPC-3. I started him on it but didn’t notice a difference until about 2½ to 3 months in. Then I dropped his morning dose of Ritalin. No one at school noticed a difference without his meds. We noticed a difference in mood. When school ended last year, I stopped all meds, & replaced them with: 2 caps of OPC-3 & 1 cap B-12

After a recent seminar by a doctor, I’ve added 1 cap of Calcium daily (mainly for the magnesium) and Vitamin C.

He is now 13 and is completely off Ritalin. He still complains about drinking his Isotonix®, but he does it out of force of habit. I made sure of it! Kids will fight anything new. Don’t let your customer give up because her son doesn’t like the taste. I did start out mixing his Isotonix® with ½ water & ½ apple juice.

Some concerns to share with your customer:

Schools almost make it fun to be on meds at schools – my son got to leave class early to go to the office to get his Ritalin before lunch. Some kids, including my son, thought that was “cool”. I did not want my son entering high school on any medication. It just opens the door to the ease of taking other “drugs” – I know that sounds a bit crazy, but ADD & ADHD kids are much more impulsive/compulsive and therefore more susceptible to addictions (a documented fact).

There are still concerns about long term effects of Ritalin type drugs. I saw side effects within 6-8 months.

I have twins who are 17 and weigh around 95 lbs. They have ADD, and they were put on Rydalin years ago and I didn't like the way the Rydalin made them act so I decided to try the OPC-3. They take two capfuls a day and are doing great. They will tell anyone that with the OPC-3 they find they can pay attention more and retain what they are learning. They have also told me that when they read a book it is easier because they can remember what they have read and don't have to read it over and over. I as a parent thank God for OPC-3. Because of my success with this product I have shared it with many of my friends who have children with the same problem and all are doing great. I also have a customer whose son has ADHD and although he has recently started using the OPC-3 she has told me there is a difference in him and will continue to use the product. She gave a big hug and thanked me for giving her son back!!! He is 10 and weighs around 80 lbs.

Terri Bailey

West VA

One of my customers has a 4-year-old with ADD and has had tremendous results with OPC-3 and Calcium Plus. His psychiatrist has been very impressed with the improvement in his temperament and ability to cope with stress and emotions. He has actually been able to stop and think things through rather than “acting-out” all of his feelings. The psychiatrist was very impressed with the results of this non-drug therapy and recommended that his mother continue with what she has been doing. His daycare provider has seen significant changes in his ability to get along with the other children and respecting others’ feelings and rights. I know this isn’t very technical, but every little bit helps. He has only been on the product for a month.

Shila Fisher

Portland, OR

My sister's son had a severe case of ADHD and was on prescription meds for three years and the problem worsened. She started intense research into the natural alternatives and she removed all sugar products from Lance's diet and started him on OPC-3 and Mineral Blast®. He went from a “C” and “D” student to an “A” and “B” student in about 3 months. She was able to wean him completely off the meds that he was on in 6 months. I would suggest your friend try 2 caps of OPC-3 and 1 cap of Mineral Blast® and see what happens. Also the sugar needs to be removed from his diet. Strangely enough, my nephew can now eat some sugar without feeling the consequences, but he stayed off sugar for about 8 months.

Marjie Shires

I am writing to share my experience with Isotonix® B-12 and OPC-3.

My son, who is eight years old has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and he is also an Asthmatic. He was taking 60 mg of Rydalin per day for ADHD and varied medicines as needed for his Asthma condition. It is difficult enough for me to take daily medication, but to have to give it to my 8 year old was frustrating. Our life was coordinated around medications. Our school and after school program had to keep up with the demands of one child’s meds. By the end of May, daily trips to school and calls from the after school program, due to my son’s behavior, had pretty much dictated an increase in his medication again.

I had heard of the positive effects of B-12 and OPC-3 through my sponsor Mike Homer. I hoped this would be the answer to my prayers. My son is now taking B-12 and OPC-3 on a daily basis and his Rydalin has been cut in HALF! His grades have improved 100% and I have not received one phone call from his teacher this school year. And as a bonus, he has not had a severe Asthma attack since he started on the Isotonix®. Considering he has had 6 hospital stays in the last 3 years due to Asthma, I would say this is as close to a 100% success rate as one can hope for.

Market America truly changed my life and the life of my family. Their products are a blessing and will remain an important part of our life forever.

Sincerely, Maureen Jock

My son started on product when he was 11 years old and starting 5 grade. He was diagnosed with ADD and auditory processing disorder. He had been on Ritalin since 2nd grade after trying Bio-Feedback Treatments and allergy testing. He weighed 60 pounds for 2 years and in 4th grade claimed he had NO FRIENDS! A friend introduced me to the products, so I started him on B-12 and Multi Tech (no children’s back then). I was a little nervous about OPC-3, my husband was a pharmacist and never heard of it. After watching the video and getting into the business, we started him on one dose of OPC-3 in the evening and took his evening dose of Ritalin away. In the first couple of weeks the first things I noticed was he remembered his teachers name. Previously it would take 2-3 months for that to occur. Also, he became more organized in his room. Actually sorting his toys instead of dumping them into one box. He also gained 20 pounds as well as having friends in his classroom. (He still has some as friends to this day. He just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago.) He was on it for about 6 months before I noticed at one of my other son's events that he was actually sitting still in a chair!! I knew then that it was really working!